<p>How do you tell if a particular friend has blocked you or everyone from looking at his/her wall? Is it if only you are blocked, then you can only see up to the "info" and no "wall" category?</p>
<p>If you are blocked, I don’t think you can even find that person’s profile, and they should not be on your friends’ list anymore. Don’t get too anxious though, facebook has a lot of issues and sometimes things go missing (ALL of my wall posts once disappeared for half an hour).</p>
<p>I’m not talking about whether I’m personally blocked. I’m asking how to tell if someone blocked you from looking at his or her wall compared to everyone on his/her friends list blocked from viewing the wall</p>
<p>Ah, that would be limited profile. In which case I have found the best method to be to ask a mutual friend if they can see everything or just some things.</p>
<p>Damn, I hate how people can do that to other friends; especially if you don’t talk to someone. It’s really mean.</p>
<p>Yeah, I once double checked to see if this girl had put me on limited - that’s how I know.</p>
<p>As soon as I learned she had, immediately defriended her. lol. Wasn’t keeping someone on my friends list that can see my entire profile but won’t let me see theirs.
She wasn’t really a friend, we just went to high school together, but I really disliked her so no loss.</p>
<p>Not ■■■■■■■■ here, but why even concern yourself with such silly issues? Just stop using the damn site. You’re in college; the whole world is out there for you to get to know. Rather than wondering if you can see some quasi-virtual-friend’s entire profile, just get to know better, cooler people on campus who would be more than happy to divulge their aspirations, thoughts and ideas. You may be “out the loop” a little bit, but in the long run you’ll appreciate it. (Plus, your grades may go up too )</p>
<p>What century are you living in babytitain? I tried quitting FB, but many campus clubs now communicate via FB. It is very difficult to be involved in activities and not utilize FB.</p>
<p>I will concur XU2011 it is a little more difficult to stay in the know without facebook; however, many groups and organizations still have good 'ol email list. Remember those days?</p>
<p>But seriously, most if not all members of clubs and organization that you are a part of WILL have facebook and will therefore inform you of anything you may not be aware of, assuming these members are in your circle of friends, which I assume they would be if you both are a part of the same organization.</p>
<p>Those days are quickly fading. As an officer last year I can attest that it was difficult to get people to respond via e-mail because students simply do not check their e-mail very often anymore.</p>
<p>And not necessarily on the organizations. Even our Psychology honors society is going FB, and there are job, research, and volunteer opportunities posted there for its members.</p>