<p>how does it appear if someone has no recent wall posts (over a year)? I think before people would write me messages but now I must appear like I have no social life right? </p>
<p>I graduated college and I am currently overseas working.</p>
<p>i, personally, wouldn’t judge someone based on whether or not they have recent wall posts. the only people i know that would do that would be people in like middle school. i doubt any adults would.</p>
<p>When I see things like that I just assume they don’t get on often. It’s not like its a big deal not to have wall posts. Facebook isn’t the end all of social interaction.</p>
<p>Not on wall posts. I do judge on the frequency of status messages. I just end up hiding them from my feed though lol.</p>
<p>I absolutely despise the kids who have 28592 status messages on my feed during the day.
“TJ is eating cereal.”
“TJ has finished eating cereal and is thinking about going to the movies.”
“TJ is now going to the movies with …, …, …”
“TJ is now at the movies watching The Status Message.”
“TJ thinks this movie sucks.”
“TJ is returning home.”</p>
<p>I don’t judge by wall posts and not too much by status, more by the info section (you can tell a lot about someone by what music and TV they like!)</p>
<p>LOL, I know people like the one Random refers to, who update their status every hour or so. I end up blocking them from my news feed if it gets too annoying.</p>
<p>As for the OP’s question, I don’t think wall postings are any indication of a person’s social life. My friends and family rarely post on my wall (except for b-day or something like that). If they have something to say, they call, text, IM, or e-mail me with it. Therefore, a lot of my wall posts are from people I’m not that close to or rarely see anymore.</p>
<p>^ I would beg to differ about the pictures thing. Lots of people, especially girls, have the tendency to want to post as many pictures as possible of them with plenty of friends and having fun. They make it seem like they are fun people and that their lives are just a blast, but in reality they’re not that exciting. I know girls who do this a lot, but when your actually at the event… all they’re doing is taking pictures. What’s so exciting about that? Haha. Not trying to be cynical or anything, I’m just saying you really can’t judge people from pictures ;)</p>
<p>I think if anything, this type of behavior only shows insecurity</p>
<p>^ How do you know that “insecurity” isn’t what I was trying to infer. Anyway, regardless of whether she’s only “taking pictures”, if people around her are getting drunk then I think that can reflect on her as well.</p>
<p>Then make a bunch of fake Facebook accounts and write on your wall? Lol, I don’t have a Facebook so I don’t have to worry about these trivial things.</p>
<p>Besides, I assume these people know/knew you in person, wouldn’t their judgments of you come from they’ve experienced with you, not the pixels on your Facebook?</p>
<p>You may be thinking too hard about this. No one is going to look at your Facebook and think “Wow, this person is a loser,” unless of course, you have some weird stuff on there. Facebook is not an indicator of “social value.” I know many people who are very social who do not even use their Facebooks or Myspaces, while on the other hand, there are people who have very active Facebooks but are very boring in real life.</p>
<p>Sometimes, I think of wall posts the same way I think of pictures (although to a lesser extent)…there are some people who spam them just so they’ll look like someone they’re not. On the other hand, they do confirm that you have friends, haha. But thats all it is, a confirmation. Doesn’t mean your a loser.</p>