<p>Very interesting</p>
ABSTRACT: The party registration of tenure-track faculty at 11 California
universities, ranging from small, private, religiously affiliated institutions to
large, public, elite schools, shows that the one-party campus conjecture does
not extend to all institutions or all departments. At one end of the scale,
U.C. Berkeley has an adjusted Democrat:Republican ratio of almost 9:1,
while Pepperdine University has a ratio of nearly 1:1. Academic field also
makes a tremendous difference, with the humanities averaging a 10:1 D:R
ratio and business schools averaging 1.3:1, and with departments ranging
from sociology (44:1) to management (1.5:1). Across all departments and institutions,
the D:R ratio is 5:1, while in the soft liberal-arts fields, the
ratio is higher than 8:1.These findings are generally in line with comparable
previous studies.