<p>These are the programs for which Cornell was rated among the top 10 in faculty scholarly productivity.</p>
<p>I think the index goes from 0-2.</p>
<p>The index examines faculty members who are listed on a Ph.D. program's Web sites, and includes a total of 217,254 names. A professor listed in both history and American studies would be counted twice. But at the next level of aggregation (the humanities in this case), the professor would be counted only once. The index creators call this "de-duplication." The total number of actual faculty members rated by the index is 164,843.</p>
<p>The productivity of each faculty member is measured, although the data are aggregated before being published. Faculty members can be judged on as many as five factors, depending on the most important variables in the given discipline: books published; journal publications; citations of journal articles; federal-grant dollars awarded; and honors and awards.</p>
<p>For each discipline, Academic Analytics assigns a weight to each variable.</p>
<p>Chronicle</a> Facts & Figures: Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index</p>
<p>Cornell U. - 2007
Discipline*, Rank, Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index </p>
<p>Agricultural Sciences
Agronomy and Crop Science 2 1.58
Animal Sciences 8 1.22
Food science 5 1.2
Horticulture 6 .54
Plant Sciences 4 1.57
Soil science 5 .96 </p>
<p>Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Botany/Plant Biology 2 1.52
Entomology 7 1.08
Evolutionary Biology 7 .63
Plant pathology 6 .8
Zoology 2 1.2 </p>
Business, various 7 1.04
Management 8 1.06 </p>
Aerospace Engineering 1 1.72
Computer engineering 3 1.75
Electrical engineering 2 1.83
Engineering Mechanics 3 1.16
Materials science and engineering 10 1.12
Operations Research 4 .79 </p>
<p>Family, Consumer and Human Sciences
Consumer and Human Sciences, various 2 1.54
Human Development and Family Studies, General 8 1.16 </p>
Asian Languages 5 .78
European Studies 7 .48
Germanic Languages and Literatures 6 1.26
Humanities/Humanistic Studies, General 1 1.68
Italian Language and Literature 1 1.53
Music, General 7 1.48
Near and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 8 .23 </p>
<p>Natural Resources
Natural Resources and Conservation 6 1.38 </p>
<p>Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Applied mathematics 1 1.41
Applied Physics 3 1.59
Astronomy and astrophysics 7 1.2
Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology 6 1.01
Information Science/Studies 2 1.44
Mathematics 6 1.74 </p>
<p>Social and Behavioral Sciences
Applied Economics 4 1.04
Economics, General 5 1.65
Geography 9 .99
Public Administration 5 .82
Social Sciences, various 3 1.21
Sociology 4 1.91 </p>
<li>A discipline may appear more than once if it is related to more than one department.</li>