FAFSA Awards? Extra Kelley / IU alumni scholarships?

Has anyone received their FAFSA? or Any other scholarships they applied for through the IU foundation or alumni? They said the FAFSA awards would be out mid March and trying to get a timeline when other awards will be released. If anyone has received these or has any knowledge, it would be much appreciated

I recently received a Kelley scholarship that seems to be merit based (Dean’s Council Scholarship, dated 9/March). I also have not gotten any FAFSA update from Indiana University. However, I did apply for one scholarship and was told the latest I would hear back would be 15/April/2016. Hope I helped!

GeographySage when did you receive your Kelley scholarship? Did you receive a Hutton Honors scholarship? Just wondering if all of the Kelley scholarships have been sent out…

I received the Dean’s Council Scholarship on the 9th of March. I was invited to apply for the Kelley/Hudson and Holland Scholarship, but have not yet applied, but I do think the 15 of April will be the latest date for most Kelley scholarships.


Are you in state or out of state? @GeographySage

I am out of state in Mississippi.

Wait, how do we apply for scholarships?!?!

@lkm2016. Not to be cruel, but I hope you’re kidding. If you’re coming here next year as a freshman, you’re out of luck since most application deadlines are long past and need-based awards are just waiting on FASFA data.


Third party scholarships may still be out there.