Fafsa completion-aid runs out for returning students?

<p>Hi everyone,
My son will be a sophomore this year in College. I know for a fact that the faster you fill out your FAFSA the more funds will be available to you from your college of choice but in the other hand I want to know if now that he already is in college, do I have to RUN again and do the FAFSA today not to jeopordize his need based grant? Help! I am confused!</p>

<p>Villamom–you are the first person I’ve read who “knows for a fact” that aid is given out according to order, regardless of whether the application was on time or not.</p>

<p>Some people speculate on this, but all colleges I have dealt with or work at give equal attention to those applications who make the priority deadline. And that deadline is generally different for returning students as opposed to new applicants. I’d be surpised if any school deals with returning FA before they are done with new applicant aid packages.</p>

<p>I do not think that getting it in now will make any difference, as long as you’re ahead of the school’s priority deadline for returning students.</p>

<p>but some people (many here at CC) feel better getting it in faster “just in case.”</p>


if you can really do it today, that’s pretty unusual. Most of us don’t have our taxes done yet. So even if you do it today, you will have to go back and finalize it after the taxes are done. And I totally agree with garland. I really don’t think it is first-come, first-served.</p>

<p>There may be schools that do first-come, first-served, but I don’t know any myself. The ones I am familiar with have a published financial aid priority date … if everything is in, the student gets into the mix for the best possible aid package available for a student in his/her situation. For some students, this means SEOG or work study that those who file later may not receive. For others, the disappointing reality is that it’s still “just loans.” But no matter what, filing by the priority date is strongly suggested.</p>

<p>My D’s school has a Feb. 1 priority date for freshmen/transfers, but the returning student priority date is April 1, I believe. So do check the school’s website for dates.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone that answer me on this, I guess when you read too much you get paranoid!!! I called the college today and they told me to go by his deadline and do it when I have everything ready together with the taxes as like some of you said all colleges have a different due date, but I will still make it by first week in February just to feel a little bit easy…
Thanks a bunch!!!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone that answered me on this, I guess when you read too much you get paranoid!!! I called the college today and they told me to go by his deadline and do it when I have everything ready together with the taxes as like some of you said all colleges have a different due date, but I will still make it by first week in February just to feel a little bit easy…
Thanks a bunch!!!</p>