
<p>If my status changed from good to action required should I be worried? When I click on action to required the only incomplete item is the student data form, which says it is optional to fill out.</p>

<p>A&M told me that it won't affect my aid being processed, but I received an email (same day it was changed) that said further documents were requested, yet once again the only thing it has is the optional student data form. The email said to go to the financial portal and check what was needed.</p>

<p>Anyone else have something like this? Is this common?</p>

<p>I have the same thing. You should be fine if you haven’t received any scholarships. That’s where all scholarships that you receive will go. So if you have none at the moment then just leave it as it is.</p>

<p>I filled out a FAFSA through their website about three weeks ago and submitted everything required. I put down TAMU for my school for them to send it to but have not heard anything back. I have already received scholarships from TAMU, and it says that they have received my application for student aid. Krissy – I am in the exact same boat as you. It says action required but the form is optional.</p>

<p>I just filled out the other form. It takes literally 30 seconds. I’m hoping maybe this expedites the process…I have no idea when I will hear from them.</p>

<p>Yes, the form is VERY short. I was in the same situation, then I filled out the form, and now it’s all up to date with no action required.</p>

<p>I have received some, but I have to go to meetings/award ceremonies to make it official. Can I update the student data form at any time? If I open it now will I be able to go back in?</p>

<p>I just got the same thing. Do i just sumbit it without any scholarship offer since i still havent gotten any?</p>