
<p>So uh, basically I'm a freshman in my second semester and I'm really confused as to whether or not I need to re-submit this this year. I've heard mixed things about it. If so, is it complicated? Do I need my parent's tax info? What's the deadline?</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>Yes, you need to resubmit FAFSA every year, especially if you want loans, grants, continuing scholarship opportunities, etc. I believe the dealine’s March 1, but somene else might know for sure. </p>


<p>Yes you will need your parents tax info, it can be a best guess, with in a few hundred dollars either way. If you did not use any grants or loans and just using FL BF or prepaid then you do not need to fill it out.</p>

<p>Yeah, all I have is Bright Futures. I do have some independent scholarships, but I’m pretty sure those don’t matter as I didn’t get them from the FAFSA the first time around.</p>