Failing Freshman Seminar

<p>At my school, Freshman Seminar is more or less just study skills, career decision making, those kind of things. It's also a graduation requirement for all "first-time, full-time freshmen", which makes it sound a little worrisome for someone who fails it. However, in the spring there are several Freshman Seminar classes as well; so I wonder if those are for transfers, people who fail the fall course, or perhaps both. So my question is, you'd think people who fail it just have to take it the next semester...right? </p>

<p>Reason why I'm posting this here is because I have gotten NO responses whatsoever. Not only is no one on the same page with each other here, but I've gotten no replies from the Freshman helpline nor the Dean of Freshmen in the past couple weeks. (Phone calls are also a no for me..sorry I'm just too awkward, haha)</p>

<p>I’m a little lost here…what exactly are you trying to figure out?</p>

<p>First off, it would be pretty helpful if we knew what school you went to. We have no idea about anything regarding the situation you’re in right now–you would literally be better off asking anyone at your school than one of us. Also, failing a freshman seminar? At my college, those are 1 to 2 credit classes where you basically get a grade for just showing up. I don’t think you’d be able to get a B (it’s pass/no pass), much less fail if you tried. Do you see what I mean? That’s my school–yours may be different. </p>

<p>I mean, are you just hoping to hear something comforting? Because sure…you can probably take it next semester. I don’t think it’s a big deal (other than the fact that you just flunked a study skills class). Or maybe they’ll kick you out and brand your forehead. Who knows? If you’re too awkward to pick up the phone, then you’re probably too awkward to succeed in college. Sorry if that’s harsh–this is whether or not you FAIL a class and you’re leaving your fate up to a website? There are no such things as stupid questions, but inaction can be stupid, so I’d go ahead and try to rectify that now. </p>

<p>Good luck! </p>

<p>You should go to the office of the registrar or the dean directly. The situations with freshman seminars and failing classes are different with every school. In the meantime, don’t give up and try your best for the rest of the semester! You still have more than halfway to go… you can make the change you wish to see in yourself.</p>

<p>Are you worried you’re gonna fail your seminar? If that’s the case, reach out to someone at your school now, rather than try to discern whether or not you can retake it again. I don’t really see there to be any pressing issue unless you are actually failing your seminar at the moment. You can probably retake it but no one here would really know because we don’t work at your specific school and we have not the slightest idea as to what graduation requirements consist of and what their nature is. You need to talk to someone at your college. A big part of growing up is learning to be your own advocate.</p>

<p>@Coriander23‌ - Hm, I think seminars are different at different schools - what you seem to be describing is what OP seems to have (a basic study skills workshop - low credit, easy to pass, etc.); so what you’re saying makes sense. I just find it so interesting because at my school, Freshman seminars are actually higher credit (4+) and they’re usually a subject/topic like “Poverty in India” or “Prolific British Authors” and I think they’re meant to building writing skills and what not. </p>

<p>@preamble1776 - That makes sense about seminars varying between schools–those seem like ones I’d actually want to take, haha. Ours mostly fall under the general studies umbrella, and while some have interesting topics, seminars generally meet an hour a week so students don’t get the chance to delve into them very much. </p>

<p>The ones at my school are four-credit-hour classes that deal with specific topics. At this point I think I’d prefer the pass/fail general studies kind.</p>