Fall 2007 Admission Statistics Out

<p><a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/fall2007adm.html[/url]”>http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/fall2007adm.html</a></p>

<p>Enjoy. I did some quick calculations and came out with this:</p>

<p>Irvine frosh admit %: ~52%
Davisi frosh admit %: ~55%</p>

<p>Ty !</p>

<p>Interesting, seems as if Davis admitted less than Irvine.</p>

<p>^Where does it say the numbers admitted by each school?</p>

<p>o c00l thanks</p>

<p>so i did the math, since they didn't just put on there admission percents i had to add up the race numbers cuz it said total "minority" and total "other" per school so if you add that it gives you the total admitted and then ya
so here are the percents</p>

<li>UC Berkeley- 20.25%</li>
<li>UCLA- 20.35%</li>
<li>UC San Diego- 37.1%</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara- 50.3%</li>
<li>UC Irvine- 51.99%</li>
<li>UC Davis- 54.9%</li>
<li>UC Riverside- 75.3%</li>
<li>UC Santa Cruz- 76.9%</li>
<li>UC Merced- 80.55%</li>

<p>this is just for undergraduate admission... i am pretty sure i did the math right so ya =]</p>

<p>Woah.. UCSD went down tremendously! The admit rate has always been closer to 50 percent. Cal and UCLA are getting really close to the teens.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting percents! :)</p>

<p>wow the percent accepted for the top tier UCs dropped, especially SD.</p>

<p>are those numbers right? 20% acceptance to berkeley and LA? woww</p>

<p>I don't think the numbers are right. Berkeley said they actually made more offers this year than last but because there was an increase in apps the number went down from 23.3 to 23.2% admissions offers.</p>

<p>wow interesting... I got into UCSB, rejected from UCD and UCI when UCSB was harder to get into than both of them.</p>

<p>UCSB was the one school I didn't really want to go to too.</p>

<p>Just my luck!</p>

<p>Correct me if I'm wrong, but these admit %'s only address the quantity of applicants and not the quality.</p>

<p>you are absolutely correct collegemom16, despite UCSB admitting at a higher rate, the quality of applicants at UCI is higher.</p>

<p>hahahah yeah.</p>

<p>Don't you mean the quality of those who accept admissions is higher?</p>

<p>that's right only to some extent...i wouldn't say that it's "only" addressing the quantity of applicants and not the quality; look at the quality of berkeley's incoming class versus "Merced." hmmm...</p>

<p>But the poster wasn't comparing UCB and UCM. The reference was between UCSB, UCD and UCI.</p>