Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Even though he had a significantly lower ACT score than me it is notable that he did have a much higher GPA/CR than me. He was top 10% whereas I am not.</p>

<p>Exactly. there doesn’t seem to be any particular pattern. My daughter’s status changed today. (in the middle of the day) This morning it had the “reviewing your application to be sure we have all the materials”…message and this afternoon it changed to it is “being reviewed by a counselor”…I cautioned her not to attach too much meaning to this change in status. But here’s hoping :).</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of anyone being waitlisted or denied yet?</p>

<p>your intended/proposed major/school/college has nothing to do with being accepted. You are “competing with” everyone who applies regardless of planned field and are accepted to the university as a whole.</p>

<p>Can this be true? It seems illogical. Every school has SOME Colleges or majors that are more competitive to get into? I can’t believe a male applying as an early elementary education major or womans study major - won’t have an easier go of it than applying for business or engineering. I can see Wisconsin, (being an uber competitive, hot school), having apples to apples higher standards from say, Michigan State’s Elementary Education applicants; but are you’re saying that the engineering applicant, with a 780 math SAT is held against the same standard as a General Family Studies major?</p>

<p>^ They have general standards for admission. Two applicants with different majors and identical everything else have the same chance. It’s not really illogical at all. People switch majors all the time.</p>

<p>It is true that all intended majors are treated equally. Many students are undecided, which is very common. You may be admitted into the College of Engineering, but you cannot be admitted to a particular discipline or department within engineering until you have completed a certain number of hours with a minimum GPA. Business majors enter the College of Letters & Sciences for the first year and are then required to apply to the College of Business. Though there are minimum requirements to get into a certain program, the more competitive, the higher GPA you need. The minimum GPA does NOT guarantee anything. Getting in the door is simply the first of many steps one must complete in order to successfully complete a degree program. Be prepared to work hard!</p>

<p>SO, logistically, the General Family Studies and the Early Elementary Education Majors majors applying as incoming freshman have the same basic stats (test scores, GPA, rigor etc…) as an Engineering major? Please, I’m not saying you’re wrong, and I don’t want to insult anyone, but if the Engineering school has, say 400 incoming freshman spots…and they have 400 spots to fill for the School of Human Ecology, they expect the Interior design Majors to have the same stats as the engineers? What about a dance or theater, or fine art major? Don’t they look at portfolios? I can see within the “colleges” (Letters and Science, Human Ecology, Education , Business) that they have the same basic academic standards and allow easy switching of majors? Most schools if you apply and are accepted to the School of Human Ecology, you can’t say (without placement exams or a certain GPA) just switch to Engineering.
I know Admissions and the adcoms might “say” it’s all the same, they might quote that 25-75% SAT range…but there’s still a heck of a lot of range in that range. They also say that the “SOAR box message gives no indication of acceptance” (other than the whoops last week) and that they "aren’t giving out acceptances until late November…but I take it all with a grain of salt. It should be easy to prove one way or the other…</p>

<p>Badgermom-I agree, they key word being “intended majors” even if it’s undecided…right?</p>

<p>@ imanicollegehelp. My Freshman son is currently in the College of Engineering, and my son who was just accepted last week intends to major in business. Under your theory, they both should have stated that they intended to major in Fine Arts so they would be admitted with lower scores? Would be a lot of “game playing” going on to try to manipulate one’s way into the University in that manner. Many of my son’s Freshman friends are majoring in “undecided.” Also, his most difficult class is not Calculus or Advanced Chemistry, but a liberal arts elective :)</p>

<p>Is anyone elses status still on “We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Check back here for updates on your application status.”?</p>

<p>Should there be anything on the right where it says “Program Advisor”? Should our counselors name be there or is that for something else?</p>

<p>To whoever asked if anyone has gotten waitlisted. A friend of mine did about a week ago.</p>

<p>Gotcha, seems a bit unique. I know when my daughter was accepted to UMW as a Journalism major she wasn’t able to actually “be” an official journalism major right away. Is that true with most applicants at UWM, they’re “pre” majors? I know if you really want to go to NYU and you’re equally drawn between, say, marketing (at Stern) and Social Work…the business major is WAY harder to get into. They even have a “General Study Program” for kids who are admitted but fall short (GPA or tests) and they can’t get into their school of choice for 2 years and need a tight GPA. At Syracuse it’s way harder to get into Newhouse (Communications) than many majors and schools there, at Purdue the GPA of the Engineering students is consistently higher than the Education majors. And if you get accepted to NYU as a journalism student, “switching majors” to Stern/business is damn tough if not impossible. They only open a few select business courses to non-business majors…seems UWM is a lot more chill.</p>

My D’s status still says exactly the same message and yet all of her required materials are marked as received as of 9/25…trying to practice patience, but it is oh so hard</p>

<p>Same here, everything marked as received 9/2/2010 and no change in status. D has 31 ACT and 3.97 UW GPA, total of 6 AP classes and 3 Honors classes, 275 community service hours, WI resident, child and grandchild of alumni, 2 part time jobs, etc, etc).</p>

<p>Also still waiting. Everything received by 9/14. Our D’s admissions person is Jenny Bottoni. Wondering if anyone assigned to Jenny has received a decision yet.</p>

<p>How do you find out who your admissions counselor is?</p>

<p>Go to the following link to find out:
[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/index.php]Meet”>Counselors and Advisors – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>To TeachMeHow2Bucky:
What were your friends credentials and stuff, do you know?</p>

<p>anyone who has Gia Euler as their counselor should not be expecting an answer any time soon. someone said before that she did not start reviewing until november 8th, but she is still traveling and has not made any decisions yet. in fact, she will be at my school tomorrow. she can be sure that half of the senior class will be at the info session asking about their application status and when she will actually begin making decisions.</p>

<p>The Fall College Fairs are just winding up so many reps are just beginning to review apps. I spoke to several pro reps at the Seattle Fair last weekend and they were looking forward to starting to review apps when they get back after spending most of three months on the fair circuit and doing school visits.</p>