Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>thanks Judyjim…let us know when your son hears.</p>

<p>kdos - my S had similar stats and ECs and was postponed last year. He was eventually admitted in March. I would think your D will be admitted too.</p>

<p>When my S began the application process, he indicated that Madison was his likely choice if one of his “super-stretches” didn’t come through. However, being postponed, receiving four large merit scholarship offers from other well regarded schools, combined with a very cold and windy day for a campus visit to Madison, resulted in him declining the offer of admission. I personally think the postponement when combined with the perception of being “really wanted” by the schools offering scholarships, took the bloom off the rose. </p>

<p>With her stats, your daughter will most likely get a nice merit scholarship from OSU (my S went to Miami Ohio - I recall most of the Ohio public schools have nice merit scholarship programs).</p>

<p>kdos, my daughter was “postponed” from Madison. She was instate, National Merit Finalist, 2240 SAT, varsity athlete, GS Silver Award and 3.5 GPA from a very tough school. </p>

<p>This was her first decision and she was justifiably upset. However, she ended up with a full-tuition merit scholarship from a school featured in Pope’s “Colleges That Change Lives”. Maybe, like my daughter, your daughter’s decision will be a blessing in disguise.</p>

<p>Still waiting, status is “We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary…”. Last item received was the HS transcript on 10/13/2010. My counselor is David O’Connor. Should I expect a decision this week?</p>

<p>Has anyone from the madison area heard back yet?</p>

<p>We are from Madison and d heard Nov. 14th (Sunday) that she was accepted.</p>

<p>Has anyone from New Jersey heard yet?</p>

<p>D’s SOAR message just changed to “The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term.” so I am assuming based on everyone else’s post that this happened to she should be receiving an answer in the next 2 days.</p>

<p>I am also guessing this doesn’t mean she got in as I think I have seen posts from people who had this message change and they were waitlisted or deferred. Why they would say “admit term” if she isn’t definitly in is beyond me but I guess we will hope it is good news??</p>

<p>son’s message also changed today to the above SOAR message. He just sent 1st quarter grades late last week, which were very strong. Hopefully this is a good sign. We are from New England and Alex is his counselor.</p>

<p>We are from New England (VT) as well and Alec is our counselor too.</p>

<p>hgblue-In NJ and no word, although test grades were sent express Nov 1 and received next day-Son might not have made the EA/rolling cut. School Naviance is showing 11 applications in an so far, no admits</p>

<p>Just got an insider scoop from my school’s college counselor, who has very close ties to the Madison admission department. They are down eight counselors because of hiring issues in the UW system, so they are EXTREMELY backed up. </p>

<p>So if anyone, including myself, feel like you should have a decision by now? Don’t worry, they are very very far behind.</p>

<p>Gotta love waiting even longer now. At least there’s an explanation for this wait now.</p>

<p>Got in sometime in the last few days! From Michigan. Wisconsin is my second choice after UofM so im very happy especially since it was my first acceptance. My stats are a 3.95 unweighted with 8 ap’s, decent EC’s, and a 30 on the ACT. Good luck to everyone else still waiting!</p>

<p>imanicollegehelp - I believe that the application materials only need to be postmarked by Nov. 1, so your son should qualify for the first admissions period. I feel your pain as we both wait :(. I have already been admitted at Pitt with a full tuition scholarship, but waiting for the rest of the replies is agonizing. Best of luck to all!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who has been accepted. (: </p>

<p>I’m curious though - my SOAR status says “Your application is still under review. The SOAR program is limited to admitted students only.” Is that different from “under review by counselor?”
Should I be expecting any changes/decisions soon? From what I understand, my current status doesn’t yield a good decision. :(</p>

<p>Oh god, my SOAR status just changed to the admit term message within the past few hours. I’m hyperventilating. Oh god. My student center message hasn’t changed, but still, I’m excited as hell. Anyone know how long I’ll have to wait to get the final confirmation?</p>

<p>I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I believe the changing of that message just means a decision was made. It doesn’t mean you were accepted. I have seen several other posts where their message changed and they were waitlisted and/or deferred. My D is in the same boat and I have not told her anything since it doesn’t guarantee that she is in. Big test in an AP class today and I didn’t want to distract her. </p>

<p>I do wish you luck and you should find out by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.</p>

<p>Bhargleee: Your message doesn’t mean bad news at all. That is the message you see when your application is under review and a decision has not been made yet. Your application is indeed under review and the SOAR message will stay like that until a decision has been made. The timing of going from review to decision has varied for people who have posted on this site. You can go back and read the thread, there is loads of good info in there. In our case my D’s status was under review since 11/4 and the SOAR message just changed yesterday to the admitted student message. Unfortunately it doesn’t mean she is in, it just means a decision was made. Typically the decision shows up online 2 days after the SOAR message changes so we are waiting until Wed or Thursday to know anything for sure.</p>

<p>Good luck and be patient!! It seems to be a slow process…</p>

<p>Im excited to hear so many people are getting close to recieving their decision, good luck to all!</p>

<p>Quick question, does the soar status change at 2 am as well, or does it change anytime during the day?</p>