Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>It just changed for my daughter ~~ !!</p>

<p>SOAR Registration
The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at [Center</a> for the First-Year Experience](<a href=“http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu%5DCenter”>http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu). If you believe you have received this message in error please contact the SOAR Information line at 608-262-4707 or e-mail your questions to <a href=“mailto:soar@studentlife.wisc.edu”>soar@studentlife.wisc.edu</a>.</p>

<p>So many of you parents have access to your child’s password- we never did. Do they still have a red YES on the outside of the large envelope sent with acceptance materials? That was my way of knowing (although totally expected with my son’s stats- he was one of those who finally applied in January and got the letter in about 3 weeks).</p>

<p>The SOAR message changes during the day. When my D’s changed a few days ago I had checked in the morning and it was one message and then several hours later it had changed to the one that you get when they have made a decision.</p>

<p>I’m getting very nervous for my son, based on what I’m reading here. UW-M is his only choice (although I have convinced him to apply elsewhere, his heart is not in it at all). Although a good student, his credentials are nowhere near what I’m seeing in some others - 3.87 gpa (4.00), 27 on ACT, 1910 on SAT’s, NHS, German NHS, lacrosse, speech, scholastic bowl, community service and job(s). Has anyone’s child emailed or contacted the determined admittance counselor with an introduction (and/or pleading) note?</p>

<p>ourvan: People on CC with higher stats tend to post them (rampantly); so don’t be discouraged regarding your son’s 27 ACT & 3.87 GPA not stacking up to what you read here. His stats are still in the range for admitted applicants to UW-Madison.</p>

<p>Are you a WI resident? Is he first generation college or a minority or a legacy? </p>

<p>At this point you should not call or send a pleading note. Also any call down the road after he receives his decision should come from him and not you.</p>

<p>(UW-M is UW-Milwaukee, UW-Madison is ‘Wisconsin’ or ‘Madison’ or ‘UW-Madison’).</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>OURVAN- Your son has GREAT credentials…they also look at essay and all sorts of things. How large a graduating class etc. I would think being on the NHS is a big plus!! I really think it is like a crapshoot. I know so many kids who got in last year with lower credentials than you son and some who did not get in with top credentials. Keep your fingers crossed. My son is in the same boat and has similar credenials as your son- 3.85 GPA, 29 ACT, NHS, volunteer, camper and camp counselor, PSEO and high school program in Israel for one term, volunteer hours. I am encouraging him to apply to several other schools even though he has wanted to go to Madison since the 9th grade. He is starting to see that there is never a guarantee so is more willing to look at other options. He can always transfer if he doen’t get in first time around. Best of luck and keep us posted!</p>

<p>See, I don’t even know the proper lingo! We are out of state (Illinois), and regarding the email to the counselor, I did mean from him. I know from my days in HR that there is a fine line between showing interest and being a pest, so in these terms I didn’t know if I should nudge him. Although I continually read up on these subjects, I try to keep my opinions (and worries) to myself, and just support him. I did look over his essays, but didn’t edit (although there were a few things I wanted to adjust!) and let him feel empowered. My concern is that he is so sure that this will work out the way he wants it to (he has some “mad Badger love” - his description) that he’s not preparing himself in any way for a possible denial. My insistance that he has some backup is interpreted as a lack of faith in him, and it’s not that at all - just a bit of realism. Ahhh, youth!</p>

<p>I think it is great you did not interfer with his essays. I did the same. Itried to make a few suggestions and my son felt like I was being overly critical. I often have to work hard at backing off. My son has his own style and is much more laid back than I am. Probably a good thing. My husband reminds me to just do gentle guiding and that natural consequences are sometimes the best way to learn and grow. Sounds like you gave your son good self confidence and if he does have an upset he will learn from it and push himself through the situation just fine.</p>

<p>Judy, I’m thinking perhaps our sons might be twins!</p>

<p>My status changed mid-day (not at 2 AM) to “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors.” I had everything in by October 13.</p>


<p>I’m in the same boat as your son (28 ACT, 3.98 GPA (unweighted), NHS, Knowledge Bowl, Speech, volunteer, and work) and after seeing all these amazing stats I am getting really nervous. I did attend Washington University in St. Louis’s Highschool Summer Scholars Program this summer and did well (A+ and A- in my classes), and I hope that helps. I applied on 10/27, and haven’t heard a thing back. My major concern is that my graduating class has only 57 students (I’m ranked 3rd, which is top 5%, but still it doesn’t look nearly as competitive as most HS’s) Good luck with your son, keep us posted!</p>

<p>PS: This forum has been a godsend for me. It has really helped keep me sane knowing others are as anxious to hear back from Madison as I am. No one I know of around here (SW Minnesota) is applying to Madison, so if it weren’t for everyone on here I would be completely alone in all this.</p>

<p>Anyone from California hear yet?</p>

<p>To all those who are wondering what your chances are of getting accepted, I found a chart on the Wisconsin Website today that I had not seen before. It is the 2009-10 (Last year - not this year) Freshman Admissions Expectations and has a chart entitled Likelihood of Admission with a grid of test scores and gpa’s. They say they look beyond these numbers so be careful not to let this chart stress you out.<br>
<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_FreshmanExpectations.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_FreshmanExpectations.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
We have also found this thread very useful in managing our anxiety during this stressful process. The waiting is tough. My D checks her status twice a day. Her application has been complete since 9/24. She worked hard to get her application in early so that she would hear early and it does not seem to make any difference. Has anyone heard from New York or with Director of Admissions, Adele C. Brumfield as their admissions counselor?</p>

<p>hey guys my SOAR status has been changed since saturday but i have not recieved a decision yet…should i be worried?</p>

3.7 GPA
Competitive hs
Varsity Soccer 3 years
Varsity VB, captain this year
lots of Volunteer work
M 720 CR 610 W 690, 10 0n essay.
3 recommendations, strong essay

<p>Postponed as well
Stats like everyone else
Tons of EC like everyone else
3 Rec’s, great essays
AP’s, blah blah blah…</p>


<p>More waiting to do, I guess.</p>

<p>jilldmd, If you go into Naviance and look at the graph of your school, have other students from your school in prior years had similar results? What region are you from? My son has very similar stats. If the yield is low from your HS then Wisconsin is just over rating itself, try Michigan. In my sons class students with a 3.5/4 and 1300 are almost always accepted, but few end of going because the choices are better on the east coast.</p>

<p>Were the postpones from out of state? Is it really that much harder to get in oos than in-state? Does Minnesota count as oos or in state since we have reciprocity? :/</p>

<p>we are OOS. 5 APs. Same thing happened 2 years ago to my daughter. She got into Michigan and is very happily enrolled there. We are awaiting a decision from UMICH as well. should be in december some time. His stats are above the hs naviance stats. last year, no one attended though from our hs! Maybe they don’t like our high school as a result of few kids attending in the past few years?</p>