Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Rentuck: The SOAR message changes and then exactly 2 days later the status changes online. Her status changed to postponed: "We have postponed a decision on your application. A letter has been mailed that will explain the decision and your next steps. For immediate information, visit <a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf[/url]”>www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf</a> "</p>

<p>We got the letter approx 4 days after the status changed online. Postponed basically means that they are holding your application and will make a decision by mid March. It is kind of like receiving a deferred when applying EA. They don’t call it that but it is the same thing.</p>

<p>dogsrthebest thanks. oddly enough my SOAR has read it is not currently accepting reservations for my admit term since saturday the 20th. After reading other posts I thought that I would have gotten an answer two days later but my status still has not changed.</p>

<p>rentuk - its been the same for me…has anyone else had their soar status last longer than 2 days</p>

<p>timeline…all materials received by WISC 9/25…status finally changed to “being reviewed by admissions counselor” 11/24…today, SOAR message changed…hopefully this means decision was made (keeping fingers crossed for acceptance) and that we’ll find out in 2 days…i can’t wait to be able to breathe again, unless of course it’s “postponed” decision in which case the agony will continue on for months</p>

<p>Finally some movement. My son’s status just changed to “being reviewed by admissions counselor”. SOAR message has not changed. Does anyone know approx. how long it takes to hear at this point.</p>

<p>It’s hard to say how long after the ‘being reviewed’ stage. My daughter’s never changed to ‘being reviewed’ - she just got the SOAR message on 11/23 mid morning and the ‘Congratulations’ at around midnight on Thanksgiving. Someone else reported a few week lag for the being reviewed stage.</p>

<p>Mine has said being reviewed for at least 2-3 weeks</p>

<p>mine has said “your application is being reviewed by one of our admissions counselers” since the beginning of october…so don’t too excited.</p>

<p>anyone heard a decision that has jenny as a counselor?</p>

<p>dweinberg: See #273</p>

<p>ok so I decided I am NOT going to check the site-I will just wait for the mail to come!</p>

<p>judyjim-they don’t take a quota from each high school but you are competing against all those who applied from your high school. In other words they compare you to all the kids who applied from your school and you have to be “better” than they are to get in. That is unless they are going to take them all…</p>

<p>I guess that those of us who are anxiously waiting for news need to remind ourselves that we may not hear until deadline of January 15th. My son needs to apply to some more schools by January 1st and is looking at Vanderbilt, University of Denver, maybe Boulder and Tulane. He also applied already to USC. He is pre-med so any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile: He does not want to stay in Minnesota even though we have great schools here!!</p>

<p>Because Wisconsin is so different than Minnesota! LOL. If he has the stats, that is a good list of schools.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everybody who’s already been accepted! Hopefully I won’t have to wait too much longer. They received all of my information on 10/28 and I’m from Washington, so I have a feeling it could be awhile! What do you think my chances are?</p>

GPA: 3.93 (unweighted)
Class Rank: 23/513 (top four percent)
AP Classes: 7
Location: Washington State</p>

<p>judyjim - your family has probably already considered this but has your S checked out the Univ. of Iowa? Strong medical school and excellent pre-med major (Integrative Physiology). We too are from MN and our D attends there and loves it. If your S hasn’t visited there, he should. Beautiful campus, great kids. The U of Iowa also offers solid merit aid for good students. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Big10Padre, We have not checked out Iowa. Will do that!! Thanks for the good info. :)</p>

<p>cmbaker3-Great stats!!</p>

<p>Thank you, judyjim! I’m hoping for the best! Still no change as of this morning:/</p>

<p>my SOAR status changed today! Hopefully I will receive a decision soon; my application status changed to “being reviewed by a counselor” 10/24.</p>