Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>SOAR message changed sometime yesterday to “not accepting for you admit term”. Is that the message you normally get before hearing back within a couple days?</p>

Yes. Usually that is a strong indication that you’ll get some sort of decision soon.
But don’t count on it. Likely but not guaranteed.</p>

<p>ahhh, my SOAR status finally changed! I’m so excited (: Hopefully I’ll find out by Tuesday!</p>

<p>Accepted on Wednesday!!! I’m 2 for 2 so far :). Last yr my friend got accepted in like january…</p>

<p>Congratulations, mikey192! If you don’t mind me asking, what were your stats?</p>

<p>Just a little counter to all the negativity I’m still just a senior but I know at least 10 kids that go to Madison now and literally every single one of them loves it. Don’t let a bitter parent get you down.</p>

<p>Got accepted today! </p>

<p>From Minnesota, 28 ACT, 3.98 unweighted GPA, 7 college classes taken, NHS, speech, Knowledge Bowl, Drama, etc. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!!</p>

<p>Oh my gosh! My wishes definitely came true. Not only did I hear back before Tuesday, I was also accepted! Here are my stats for those who are still waiting to hear back!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.93
SAT: 1790:/
ACT: 28
AP: 7 classes
Class Rank: Top 5%
-Competitive Gymnastics (9 years)
-March Gladness (community service organization, student committee member for two years)
-JAG Crew (school leadership group, student member for 2 years)
Essays: Fairly good I suppose</p>

<p>Good Luck to everybody that’s still waiting! GOOO BADGERS! (:</p>

<p>Did anyone’s SOAR message change to this?</p>

<p>Sorry, but an application error has occurred!</p>

<p>An email has been sent to the appropriate individuals to notify them of the error. Please try again later.</p>

<p>NOTE: There are occasionally database outages Saturday and/or Sunday mornings. If you are viewing this message, please try back later in the day.</p>

<p>btw, no e-mail was sent and the Student Center is currently unavailable due to scheduled maintenance activities.</p>

<p>@ res ipsa</p>

<p>Yes my SOAR status is also that</p>

<p>Wisco2015, congratulations! When did you apply and who is your counselor? I’m from Minnesota too, and anxiously waiting for an answer.</p>

<p>res ipsa- That happens every so often where the site will be down. Just a technical problem. It will be back up within 24 hours.</p>

<p>ebenson- The timing of when you will hear about a decision all depends on who your admission counselor is. We are from Minnesota and applied October 14th and no word. Some of my son’s friends who applied later have already heard.</p>

<p>Son also has wonky SOAR message AND he can’t access his application status page, something about Maintenance?</p>


<p>My application was complete 10/27. I had Emily as a counselor…I’m from SW Minnesota if helps with where her region is. </p>


<p>I wish they went in order of who sent them in first. Waiting a little more than a month was tortue, I can’t imagine having to wait as long as your son. Best of luck to him! Hope you guys hear back soon!</p>

<p>I have Jennifer Sandridge and had everything in on 10/8 the only person with her who has heard, that i know of, had everything in on 9/15. It’s hard to stay patient!</p>

<p>I’m betting there will be quite a few people from my school who don’t go to Madison just because of the crazy amount of time that they’ve kept us waiting for decisions. I know it’s dropping lower and lower on my list as the days go by and nothing happens. Our counselor even tried to call them to see what was going on but he said they still haven’t responded yet. And that was last week.</p>

<p>Kabizzle- Please remember they only promised eveyone would hear no later than two business days after January 15th. I know it is so hard to be patient but Madison is a great school and well worth the wait.</p>

<p>SOAR message changed 2 weeks ago but still no decision. Anyone else in the same situation?</p>

<p>kabizzle might have a point.
When my daughter applied, she found out in October and it mentally knocked Michigan off her radar (who she didn’t hear from until December) Although she didn’t attend,…Wisconsin became her very strong second choice school (it’s so different than where she’s attending now, but I think she would have thrived)
My son is applying to a lot of larger state schools, almost all with EA, rolling or priority dates. There are a couple that actually have EA dates, but don’t announce ANYTHING until February or March. My business mind is telling me that its putting them these schools at a HUGE disadvantage. The six schools my S is already in are sending window decals, cd’s, calling and emailing because now the push is to “sell”. Likewise, a bunch of his friends have been admitted to these schools and they’re talking amongst themselves and making plans. I’m like YOU HAVEN"T EVEN HEARD FROM THE BULK OF SCHOOLS U APPLIED TO YET!"</p>

<p>If we look at this situation from another angle: UNC, U Illinois, U of Chicago, UCLA, Columbia are all going to be making decisions late Dec or Late Jan. or in April. May be UW wants to be in line with practices of the peer schools? It make some sense giving the fact that the new director came from U of Chicago.</p>