Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Mine was “being reviewed” the whole time. I never even had the first message, sent in a week ago with absolutely everything.</p>

<p>I wonder what the process is like for transfer students, because all I have is the “we have received your application…” status and nowhere does it say whether they’ve received any of my stuff yet</p>

<p>From the horse’s mouth:</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> Blogs - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/11/01/new-year-new-direction/]Wisconsin”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/11/01/new-year-new-direction/)</p>

<p>Thanks Wiscmom,
Hitting myself on head cause I delegated myself “Keeper of my son’s application codes/passwords” for every school. For some reason I wrote down Wisconsin’s incorrectly and I was “froze out for too many attempts” After emailing (won’t give out passwords this way) and calling (would only talk to Son) I decided that all of the other schools had received scores/transcripts weeks ago, not to sweat it. UofW is a HUGE “Hail Mary” for him (above a “reach”) and today 11/1, we received an email saying his “application was incomplete” sure enough, I checked the College Board receipt and the scores were, in fact, sent to “University of Wisc Colleges” Instead of Univ Wisc Madision. Rush shipped them, and the above posted blog does say “post marked by” things will be considered as received. WHo knows, he might have a better chance once the Nov 1 date has passed. I think they’re more apt to “defer” automatically earlier in the game. Grrrrrrrrr</p>

<p>Welcome to college world imani… Big paradigm shift when you have to rely on the student to have access to be sure he did what needed to be done. </p>

<p>Students- be sure you check that everything is done correctly/sent in… or allow your parents access to your codes et al. There is a privacy tradeoff- let parents help or take full responsibility. This will be a decision you can change in the future when you decide how much you want them to know without your case by case permission. Our son wisely gave information and permission to the Bursar’s Office so we can pay his tuition. They make it easy to deposit funds to the Wiscard- no permission needed, although students control info about how the money is spent. We do not have access to his course information or grades unless he sends us the info. A shift from childhood to adulthood- being under/over 18 makes no difference to the school.</p>

<p>I was such a control freak and knew from my daughter that every school had a password/bugaboo (One cap, one number, a randomly assigned code) and I was hovering when he was assigned or had to chose these and went and cut n pasted them onto a master list. In my defense-he applied to 14 schools and this was my only slip up. Did Wisconsin actually have a line by line (test score, teacher rec, transcript, fee etc) “date received” status; or just a general “everything has been received”? I would have assumed they were just taking forever to log the stuff in since every other school had received everything weeks before. Our Strategy for son is way different than for daughter. She applied ED to NYU and a few EA schools, most of which she was able to visit. Since my S is looking at schools in 9 different states, we’re taking a more “see where you get in before we spend $1500 visiting” approach. Doubt Wisconsin would be one, and I believe “just cause you slipped in…doesn’t mean you you go”! That said, every kid needs a few reaches to ward off the “what ifs”…</p>

<p>D’s status just changed this evening to “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. Check back here for updates on your application status.” from “we have received your application…” </p>

<p>Hope that means a decision is headed her way soon!</p>

<p>Funny that last night I promised myself that I was not going to go on the wisconsin webpage until there was news from college confidential…then I saw dogs’ post and thought to myself, great a little restraint and there’s the reward…signed on to daughter’s UW and her status is still the same :(…amazing how nerve wracking this whole process is Looking forward to your continued posts for timing from new status to decision…it’s definitely a consolation to see other parents as crazed with checking as I am…my daughter was only checking her email with greater frequency and when I told her decisions were delayed from typical october like years past, she even cut down on email checking…i think the kids are healthier than we are</p>

<p>That’s for sure spitfire</p>

<p>My app just changed to “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admissions counselors” last night. Really hoping for an answer back before the end of November.</p>

<p>kudryava, when were all your materials submitted? what state are you in? i’m wondering if apps are already sorted by region, as my daughter’s status has not yet changed, despite the fact that i’m checking daily and driving myself crazy…good for you that your status has changed, good luck and hope you get that acceptance soon</p>

<p>See link below to find out who your admissions counselor is:</p>

<p>[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/index.php]Meet”>Counselors and Advisors – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>Counselors are assigned specific schools and/or geographical areas.</p>

thanks for responding…we know who the admissions counselor is from that great meet your counselor link (and i must add that i think that’s a really nice feature of the wisconsin website so you can put a face with the person reading your app), but since the status hasn’t changed at all and apparently they’re still checking to make sure the file is complete, i’m thinking it might not have even made it to the counselor’s desk yet…i was kind of hoping that it is on her desk and that her particular group of students just don’t have their status updated, but that could be wishful thinking…i see you’re on this site even more than i am, and i’m glad you’re confident that your daughter will be accepted since you bought her the “teach me how to bucky” shirt for “when she gets accepted”…i’m just a stressed out mom because my daughter only envisions herself at two schools, so i feel like she has all her eggs in just two baskets and i can’t wait to hear a response</p>

<p>Has anyone had their status changed to “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. Check back here for updates on your application status.” from “we have received your application…” AND either…
lives in the North Shore area
or submitted application/materials after sept 21?</p>

<p>Well I live in Mequon and I submitted on sept 24 but I still have the “We have received your application and are waiting to see if we have all the materials” status or whatever. It would be really annoying if I heard back from my ED school before I hear back from Madison.</p>

<p>Spitfire, I’m in Ohio and submitted on the 20th.</p>

<p>thx K…we’re in NJ and i think they have everything submitted by 25th, so hopefully we’re all moving along…good luck to you</p>

<p>spitfire - nj too, ds applied 10/31 tho online status says items received 11/3 - hopefully their matching up the online app with the paper transcript didn’t put him out of the 1st notification…we have 7 baskets of eggs, doesn’t help that he hates/dislikes about 5 of them. :)</p>

<p>spitfire45 - I also bought the UW logo ‘silly bandz’ to go with the Teach Me How to Bucky shirt… It is hard to be patient. My daughter has an appointment with a UW pre-pharmacy advisor Monday to ask questions about the prerequisites (I thought she’d have the admit decision by now).</p>

<p>[University</a> Book Store : Merchandise Detail](<a href=“http://www.uwbookstore.com/MerchDetail.aspx?MerchID=598699&num=0&start=&end=&type=2&searchtype=Description&txtSearch=logo%20bands]University”>http://www.uwbookstore.com/MerchDetail.aspx?MerchID=598699&num=0&start=&end=&type=2&searchtype=Description&txtSearch=logo%20bands)</p>

<p>Madison, are they a surprise for when she gets in? I had bought an NYU sweatshirt for my daughter and house flag, and when her ED letter came-I walked to the front door to great her waving the flag. My son, (second kid-applying to a ton of schools) he just gets a text saying “In Colo State, Congrats”…poor second kid</p>