Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Thanks for the update Perfekkt. So much for my theory. Good luck, I hope you get good news.</p>

<p>thank you! i will make a post when i find out</p>

<p>like i said…</p>

<p>@ blondie47
yeah there is overanalyzing going on because tensions are rising, people are getting nervous.</p>

<p>This is one of the best reality show threads on CC. I tune in daily just to listen in.</p>

<p>I wish people would stop making fun of us :-(</p>

<p>SOAR message changed to the “not avail for your admit term” and “app under review” - does this mean decision in next few days? or did that theory go out the window?</p>

<p>amandakayak- nope, that theory still remains! You should know within 48 hours (: good luck!</p>

from CT, counselor was Alec
3.7 UW gpa (9 APs)
top 5.2%
35 ACT, 2170 SAT
decent to good ECs/leadership</p>

<p>first acceptance so far…not top choice (that would be Michigan) but its nice to know that I will not be living at home next year!</p>

<p>If the the SOAR message “Your application for admission is still under review. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at [Center</a> for the First-Year Experience](<a href=“http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu%5DCenter”>http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu). etc” is a postponement or denial, that would be cruel. The link takes you to the Center for the First Year Experience and says “we look forward to seeing you on campus”.</p>

No, we disproved that theory.
That message means what it says- it’s still under review.
If you are postponed then it will change to something else when you find out, then it will change back as they review it more to make a final decision.</p>

<p>My D received yet another SOAR message today. Does anyone know if this means anything or is the SOAR office now messing with us as well? The New message reads:</p>

<p>“Questions about your admission status should be directed to the Office of Admissions at <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a> or 608–262–3961. Check back here for information about the SOAR Program after you have received notification of admission.”</p>

<p>It sounds like her app. is still being reviewd but this is the second message change in two days. If they are trying to lessen the confusion it’s not working.</p>


<p>collegegrad87: My D also received the new SOAR message after having the previous one for 2 weeks. Her materials were submitted 10/28 and has been under admission review for 2 weeks or so. I’m more nervous than she is!</p>

<p>Us, too. My son’s SOAR message was previously “still being reviewed.” Now it’s “if you have questions about your admission,” while the other message still says that his application is being reviewed by an admissions counselor. This is absolutely crazy, and he doesn’t experience these complications with any other school.</p>

<p>I’m wondering if they have decided to have this message on all applicants until AFTER people receive their admissions acceptance so as not to mislead people with the message “The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at …”</p>

<p>I’m curious if that 2-day “SOAR warning” that a decision has been made will no longer occur.</p>

<p>Bizarre, isn’t it? U of I will release their decisions on Friday at 5 p.m. CST–no mystery about it, no guessing . . . either you’re in or you’re not.</p>

<p>My D’s SOAR status also changed today to the new message:</p>

<p>Questions about your admission status should be directed to the Office of Admissions at <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a> or 608–262–3961. Check back here for information about the SOAR Program after you have received notification of admission.</p>

<p>I agree with the theory that this latest change was their attempt to avoid all of the confusion with various SOAR messages - but it would have been nice if they said that, rather than just changing to yet another message.</p>

<p>Maybe they’re getting ready to release a bunch of admissions decisions. No doubt, all of our brilliant, attractive children will get in!</p>

<p>Mine changed to “Questions about your…” as well. I wonder if that’s the new two day warning, or if EVERYONE’S message says that…?
Arghhh. At least I can rest assured that UIUC is sending out decisions Friday at 5 pm. Nothing confusing about it.</p>

<p>my status is still “The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term.”</p>