Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>I agree that they probably changed it for everyone. I wonder why perfekkt’s status didn’t change. that’s weird.</p>

<p>My SOAR status also previously said “is still being reviewed…” but changed today to “Questions…” like the others who have posted.</p>

<p>^same here (questions)</p>

<p>Mine now says, “Questions about your admission status should be directed to the Office of Admissions” as well.
I’m noticing a pattern here haha.</p>

<p>I’m wondering if the threads regarding admissions to other colleges here on College Confidential are as busy with speculation, ie trying to decipher cryptic SOAR-like messages etc, as this UW Madison thread is. (Yeah, I’m too lazy to surf around and find out for myself.)</p>

<p>Let’s face it, this thread is really over the top. That said, I get it. I’m sure I’ve clicked on this thread as many times or more than most, and I’m hoping my daughter gets the results she desires. However, I have given up on trying to match SOAR messages with acceptances, postponements and denials. It is folly.</p>

<p>Good luck to all prospective students and parents of prospective UW Madison students. It’s kind of fun, sharing this lunacy.</p>

<p>So I just got an email from my guidance counselor, which states that he talked to our Madison rep and that my school should get decisions by the end of next week. I’m just thankful to finally have an idea of when I’ll know. Hopefully this holds true and good luck to the rest of you!
P.S. - I’m not really sure if that means that Adele will be reading our apps or if they finally just passed them on to someone else.</p>

<p>Just a question, 4 people that I know of applied to Madison from my school and all got accepted last night/ today…I am prob the only one left from our school waiting for a response… Dies this mean I should receive an answer soon? I am in first notification period…</p>

<p>Maybe they should send up white smoke from Bascom Hall when the decisions go out.</p>

<p>I got postponed last Friday-
From Maryland
GPA uw: 3.42 w: 3.83
SAT: 1840 first time, 1950 second time
EC’s: NHS member, secretary of community service club, section editor for school newspaper, manager for varsity football team, counselor at a summer camp, and babysitting for what it’s worth.
2 letters of rec-from a teacher and an employer
UW-M is my top choice by far so I’m working to get my semester grades to optimum levels. Last quarter was really good (3.71) so I’m trying to get at/near the same GPA I had. I’m sending in my mid-term grades as soon as I get them and sending in another rec, this one from my counselor. I also plan on keeping in touch with my admissions counselor up until March (ugh, so far away) so she knows how interested I am and how serious I’m taking this.
I really hope I get good news, going to Madison would be AMAZING.</p>

<p>How long does it usually take for the admissions to make their decision? I sent my app in a while back and it says that they received all that they need.</p>

<p>grigg02, a lot of it depends on geographical location! They send out decisions in waves to specific states/regions.</p>

<p>Good luck to you all! I hope you guys get the same response I did.
“Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Wisconsin. We have mailed your official letter of admission and admission materials.”</p>

<p>Does anyone know if postponed students are ever notified earlier than
March of a decision?</p>

<p>OK!!! to help with everyone’s confusion about the soar statuses and such…</p>

<p>“your application is still under review one…” means they have not yet made a decision</p>

<p>“currently not accepting reservations for your admit term…” does NOT NOT NOT NOT mean you are accepted! it means you are either accepted OR POSTPONED. it is extremely misleading to many, but that it what it is. </p>

<p>i am not sure about the denial soar status…</p>

<p>but to whoever said this before…</p>

<p>my soar status was “currently not accepting reservations for your admit term” on monday
then tuesday morning my STUDENT CENTER status was “your decision has been postponed etcc…” THEN when i checked that same day, my SOAR status went BACK to the “under review” -which makes sense because it IS still under review technically, they have not yet made a decision because they need to let in all the for sures in who applied for the second notification period. i got the soar message on monday, student center status changed tuesday and the letter in the mail came today. </p>

<p>hopefully that clears up somethings for anyone who is confused…
let me know if you have any questions</p>

<p>i was postponed btw and my stats were-

<p>*good luck to all! :)</p>

<p>I know this isn’t a chance thread but how likely am I to get accepted? I have 3.4 gpa UW, 26 ACT, 1 Ap, 1 honors, 3 college classes, decent ECs, really good essays on cooking and my passion with film. Got some good recs. I also come from Washington state. I just got rejected from NYU Tisch so I’m a little scared that I might get rejected from UW-Madison too. Hoping for the best…</p>

<p>wow, if conn0563 didn’t get in, I don’t think I will…</p>

<p>grigg02- It’s hard to tell, but I think you have a good chance! Especially since you’re from Washington; I don’t think too many people from Washington probably apply! Where in Washington do you live?! I live there too, so I’m pretty excited to hear that somebody else from Washington applied! haha, good luck! (:</p>

<p>I submitted my application in october and still havent even had my application status changed. how long did it take for you guys to get a decision? i check my status every day and it still says theyre reviewing my materials etc. its killing me</p>

<p>There were a bunch of people earlier on this thread who applied early october and like JUST heard or hadn’t heard yet. Since it’s rolling there’s really no pattern or method to it. Just be patient! :)</p>


<pre><code> I live in Bothell, you? I’m so scared! I just got my rejection letter to NYU, so i’m like “oh crap, what if i don’t get in anywhere?!” Are you applying to UW-Seattle also?

<p>Can someone clue me in if the gpa’s being reported are genrally weighted or unweighted? Some indicate but most don’t mention it.</p>