Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>@grigg02 I applied to UW-Seattle!
(I’m Minnesota)</p>

<p>i don’t know what unweighted/weighted means so i dk how to answer that…sorry!</p>

<p>@blondie47, yay! Go UW schools lol! Hope we both get in to one of them!</p>

<p>grigg02- got it! Do you go to Bothell High School then? I live in Puyallup; if you don’t know where that is, it’s close to Tacoma! That sucks about the NYU rejection!:confused: But, at least you still have UW-Madison to hear back from! When did you submit your application? & yes I am! I’m really nervous about getting into UW-Seattle though. I was accepted to University of Wisconsin, but it’s pretty expensive for out of state, soo UW-Seattle is looking like a good option. There really aren’t any other schools in state that I considered applying to! Where all did you apply?</p>

<p>haha yeah! me too, good luck! :)</p>

<p>You did Blondie?! It’s a great school. What are your stats?</p>

<p>Yep! I haven’t been over there before but I feel like it’d be a good place for me.
Out of State (Minnesota)
GPA: 3.5 Unweighted
Have taken lots of APs and higher level classes, and 5 AP tests
ACT: 30 Composite
SAT: 1950 total
Extra Curriculars:

  • varsity cross country 4 years
  • varsity track 4 years
  • hockey 3 years
  • green team
  • SO MUCH volunteering
    I just applied like a week ago…</p>

<p>Oh you’ll be just fine getting in! I think it’s pretty similiar to UW-Madison, just a little bit smaller! And it’s MUCH warmer which is good! Good Luck!</p>

<p>Cool! Haha yeah, warm is good… Good luck to you too!</p>

<p>Yup, i go BHS! I have a friend who moved to Puyallup last year! The whole NYU rejection thing is ok, really! NYU was my biggest reach so I was definitely expecting the rejection. I applied to UW-Seattle, UW-Madison, Boston U, Penn State, and University of Missouri (mizzou). I’m probably not going to go to BU if I did get in since it’s like $50,000+ per year. I really really want to get into one of the UW schools, though. I agree, WA does not have that many great schools in my opinion. I was going to apply to WSU and WWU but I decided not to last minute. I mean, if i do not get in absolutely anywhere then WWU will be my backup for sure, but i am sure I will get into one of those on my list. I like UW-Seattle but I hate WA weather; it is so dull and rainy. These past few weeks have just been pouring, and I hate it!</p>

<p>Edit: oh, i submitted my apps for UW-Seattle and UW-Madison around Nov. 30 so I missed the first priority date for UW-Madison.</p>

<p>Oh really?! Do you happen to know what school they go to? There’s only three in Puyallup anyway haha. And those all sound like good schools! The exact same thing happened to me with Western/WSU! I never considered WSU just because I’m a big husky fan, but I filled out my entire application for Western and decided not to send it! I agree about the weather, that’s why I applied to the University of Arizona! That’s too bad that you applied on November 30 though, I’m just so impatient that I’d never be able to wait all the way until March to hear back from either! I’m dying to know about UW-Seattle, but I guess I’ll just have to be patient.</p>

<p>Accepted! :slight_smile:
SOAR status changed yesterday, only took one day to update my admission status. Updated now, at midnight.
I will keep checking here daily to see all of your status’!</p>

<p>Congrats perfekkt. Long time a coming.</p>

<p>@ perfekt,</p>

<pre><code>How long did it take for UW to make your decision? They recieved ALL of my things as of today. Will I probably hear back by the end of Jan/Feb.? Sorry, I just like to know the time period it takes to find out. Congrats, by the way!

<p>accepted :smiley:

<p>Awesome E5volcano. Can you share your stats with us poor anxious folks. What was your status before it said accepted and how long was it that status. We are all so curious, it is keeping us up late! Congrats again.</p>

<p>Stats (as I said, I applied for engineering)
Asian from Southern California (oh god, can’t imagine the Madison winters, I have never seen snow before)
SAT: 1980
ACT: 27
Course Rigor: 15 AP classes, 8 of them senior year, passed every AP test but one
Rank: 21/900, really competitive high school
Not that much community service or EC’s</p>

<p>I sent my app a couple days before priority deadline, and just last week the status changed from “Reviewing to make sure we have all the forms” to “being reviewed by a counselor”</p>

<p>However my SOAR still says
“The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at <a href=“http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu%5B/url%5D”>www.newstudent.wisc.edu</a>. If you believe you have received this message in error, please call SOAR Information at 608-262-4707 or e-mail your questions to <a href=“mailto:soar@studentlife.wisc.edu”>soar@studentlife.wisc.edu</a>.”
I am confused</p>

<p>Sounds like the right hand has not told the left hand what it is doing! I’m sure Soar will catch up with the other info. Not to worry. Congrats again.</p>

<p>Last thing received was my transcript on October 13. Took two months. Finally accepted. In state.</p>

<p>@ e5volcano
Engineering here also! :slight_smile: and you will love the winters! I’m from Green Bay, we just got about 11 inches last weekend!</p>

<p>Ds accepted to engineering, yeah!!! stats 3.8 uw, 4.25 w, 1450/2140 sats, music leadership ECs.</p>