Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>My status was “currently reviewing…blah.” then yesterday it changed to “questions about you status…” you know how it goes. So, my app has been under review for 2 months, sent in for 3. I’m starting to lose hope in ever hearing a decision!</p>

<p>to cclucky14: my son was admitted with a 27 ACT, 3.87 gpa, 2 AP’s last year, 2 AP’s this year, a college course in psychology, numerous EC’s, volunteer work and positive, detailed reference letters. He never got the “being reviewed by admissions counselor” update at all - he went right from “making sure we have everything” to “congratulations” in exactly 30 days. I thought his essays were good, but then again, I have nothing to compare them to.
If I’m picking up on one thing, it’s that there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to how these selections are being made, and in what order. My son didn’t even show an admission’s counselor - the position is currently vacant!
Hang in there - you’ll get support from other’s here, and your answer will come soon enough. Have faith!</p>

<p>I remember reading somewhere that every admissions counselor can sort the applications they have to review in any way they want. So some people might be hearing by region and some people might be hearing by date submitted. It would certainly explain the inconsistency in the amount of time it takes to receive an answer.</p>

<p>Also, they might read applications of those people more likely to get accepted first (high GPAs and SAT/ACT scores). So, if you aren’t hearing, you might be on the line.</p>

<p>I believe I’ve read things before that would suggest this, but I can’t remember my sources.</p>

<p>Just to add to my last post, i am taking 4 ap’s this year (calc, physics C and Lit)</p>

<p>My daughter just got into Michigan today so she probably won’t be checking my.wisc.edu tomorrow to see the new SOAR message.</p>

<p>congrats to your daughter res ipsa</p>

About 8 people from my school including myself have been accepted, and 4 of them had ACT scores of 28 or below I believe. You will be fine.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter what your proposed college/school or major are for being admitted to UW- stating one only matters for future SOAR advising. You are admitted to the whole university. You are competing for spots with everyone who applys for every major/undecided and every school/college as a freshman.</p>

<p>There is “rhyme/reason” to admissions. However, it is not “first come first served” except that those who applied by the early date will hear by January 15th, unless they get behind.</p>

<p>@wis75, you do not think it is harder to get into engineering than arts/science?</p>

<p>@cclucky14: I was accepted and only scored a 28 on the ACT and a 1790 on the SAT! There’s definitely still hope! I have 7 AP classes, and a 3.926 which I’m sure was helpful, but I hardly put ANY extracurriculars down. I just didn’t really think about it, and only put three. Oh and it took me exactly 5 weeks before I found out. Good Luck and stay patient! (:</p>

<p>bigtrueba-she just said=it does not matter. I have heard that those showing interest in Ag majors might have some help. Nothing official.</p>

<p>accepted! status changed to “being reviewed by a counselor” two weeks ago, SOAR status changed to “your admit term” on wednesday before 2pm, status changed to “congratulations!” sometime this morning (i’m assuming midnight; i was going to stay up until i remembered that it was wisconsin time, so it’d be 1am my time).</p>

<p>2170 SAT (700CR/760M/710W)
4.0 UW GPA (~4.5 weighted)
Rank: 40/600
Rigorous schedule, all honours/AP/advanced classes.
Upstate New York mid-sized public school.
No other applicants from my school (yet, at least)
Great essays (wrote about Wicca for one), great recs.
Unique ECs (president and founder of both a Russian culture club and a theatre charity group that donates to Russian orphanages, both of which are applicable to my anthro/Russian predicted majors).
Counselor is Alec. </p>

<p>i’m so excited! madison is one of my top choices, and i hear back from my other top choice (uchicago) tonight. this is great!</p>

<p>ok, a bit confused here. It seems some people are saying there are two places to check? I only know of the SOAR, mysteriously oracular and confusing one which you get to from admissions,wisc.edu, then check status. Is there another place to check?</p>

<p>I agree with Madisonjunkie (and I’ve said some of the same things before).
@mhc48 so are you just looking at the second box on the left that says “SOAR Registration”? The other place to look is in the “Student Center” box above it you click the Student Center link- that brings you to the page where you can check your application status.</p>

<p>Ah, thanks, blondie47. Now since it’s being reviewed by an admissions counsellor, we can have double the confusion and stress like everyone else.</p>

<p>My S just texted me to say he’s in!:)</p>

<p>OOS (CA)</p>

<p>It’s been about 44 hours since my SOAR status changed to the ‘not yet accepting reservations for your admitt term’ status. My fingers are crossed that i will find out soon! and on a side note, im going a little crazy with checking my status.</p>

Check tonight at midnight CST.
That’s when my status updated to “Congratulations!..” Wednesday night.</p>

<p>Exactly what does it say if you’ve been denied? Just that one word, “Denied”?</p>

31 ACT
3.8 gpa
top 15%
I had 2 honors, 4 AP’s
I had lot’s of EC’s and was captain/chair in 3 of them.
Good essays and recommendations
I applied on 10/8 and had Jennifer for a counselor (from MN)</p>

<p>Good Luck to everyone waiting!</p>