Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Hi I’m an international student.
I applied two weeks ago…
Does anyone know when the decision gonna come out???
And one more thing… how should I find out??? Are they gonna send me an email or it will be posted on myWisc…?</p>

<p>Congratulations to those who were accepted!!!</p>

<p>I chose not to post her ACT for a reason - I don’t want to generate a sidebar about why she got in and someone else with ‘better’ scores didn’t. I believe the tests shouldn’t be the main focus - prep, study hard and retake if needed. She also focused on taking challenging courses and keeping her gpa high, working & reworking the essays and being involved in a variety of things that all were close to her heart. It was very clear this was her top choice - she only applied to 2 schools! I’m so happy the admissions people take all these things into consideration.</p>

<p>Test scores need to be taken into consideration in college admissions. Posters tell us how tough their HS is but if a HS is so good why don’t all of the students with good grades do better on the ACT? The typical Wisconsin HS is good, there are very few private schools in the state with better academics than many of our public schools. Many of those who spent their money on private HS’s in Wis could have saved their money for college. </p>

<p>Those students who get better grades than their ACT scores would suggest have shown that they are willing to work hard- and are therefore likely to continue to do so and be successful at UW. The converse is that some of those with top test scores and lower grades may not put in the work required to succeed at UW. Another reason to have recommendations from HS staff- input about the student from professionals.</p>

I am an international applicant and UW Madision received everything required from my school, my TOEFL score and my SAT scores. Yet, my application status says that my file is being reviewed to make sure that everything required is in place to make a decision. I applied on December 1st.</p>

<p>Is this normal? When I called them, I was told that they got everything, but for some reason this doesn’t reflect on my status.</p>

<p>By the way, when should I expect a decision?</p>

<p>@hermother- That’s so exciting! Congratulations. I’m sure that was a wonderful Christmas gift! Where in Washington do you live?! I also live in Washington, and I’ve only seen one other person on this forum who even applied from Washington! Did she happen to apply to University of Washington, also? I agree that while test scores are important, hard work is what will get you the farthest in life! Her ambition to pursue a school that could be considered a “reach” by most people, and to take challenging classes and still maintain a high GPA definitely show that she is willing to work hard and pursue her goals. I’m sure that helped in her admissions process and will continue to help her as a UW-Madison student! Testing has never been a strong point for me. I did score a 28 on the ACT without studying at all, but on the SAT my scores were considerably low even though I studied for hours every day during the summer. Once again, congratulations! She definitely deserved it. (:</p>

<p>I live in Washington (Seattle area). If you came to the UW booth at any recent college fair you met me.</p>

<p>anyone know when the “postponed status” from early applicants gets changed and sent?</p>

<p>@hermother. CONGRATS! But again, I don’t know why you won’t reveal her ACT score. You will tell us her GPA, extra curriculars, essays, etc. It’s not that we will question whether or not she should’ve gotten in because SHE DID! And that’s that. It helps to just have an idea of who is getting and who isn’t. It helps with the stress!</p>

<p>OMGMIT- Expect a decision on or before March 15th. Rolling admissions means they let people know as they make decisions. This does not mean you get notified in the order your complete application is received.</p>

<p>Congratulations, hermother! I understand how you feel about the ACT. Your daughter is not the only one whose academic performance is much stronger than an ACT score would indicate. Some students just don’t perform well on those test for a variety of reasons. Averaged over a larger number of students it provides an indication of performance. The good thing is that your daughter will never be administered the ACT at UW.</p>

<p>@Barrons- That’s cool that you live in Washington! I haven’t been to any college fairs at all actually, haha. UW-Bothell came to our school, but I didn’t go to the booth because I have no interest in attending UW-Bothell!</p>

<p>I am going to try to get out to some local high schools this Spring. Otherwise we will have a booth at the Spring College Fair held at Seattle U–usually in March. Come on by.</p>

<p>BrokeNBroker: - Your son needs to activate his Net ID and then log in to my.wisc.edu</p>


<p>[Activate</a> | Students | Computing @ UW-Madison](<a href=“Information Technology - University of Wisconsin–‍Madison - UW–⁠Madison Information Technology”>Information Technology - University of Wisconsin–‍Madison - UW–⁠Madison Information Technology)</p>

<p>(The student ID number was in the confirmation email your son received after he applied online).</p>

<p>Has anyone heard since Christmas? Regardless of the decision? Also, is a rejection or postponement posted online?</p>

<p>My friend got in (Accepted) around mid-December.</p>

<p>She has an ACT composite score of 26, but is class rank 6/321 and has an unweighted GPA of 3.99.</p>

<p>I’m sure she got in because of her amazing extracurriculars, community service, and essays. She wants to be a social worker and is a complete saint, which I’m sure was seen in her application. She is one of the smartest people I know.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, people with 28+ scores have been deferred at my high school. </p>

<p>Test scores to not define a person. :)</p>

<p>@sinarlord - Do you know any of the GPA’s/ACT/extracurriculars of the people who were deferred?</p>

<p>A guy from my school was waitlisted with a 3.9, 30 ACT, in state. I don’t know his ECs/employment though. Probably not much.</p>

<p>D learned this a.m. that she was postponed. She has 3.55uw, 3.82w; 31 ACT; very good ECs, essays, recs, work; suburban Chicago HS. She’s very disappointed (perhaps it stings a bit more because friends who are on teams she captains and have lesser gpa/ACTs have been accepted). However, she knew she was in the zone where this could happen. She’s obviously hoping 1st semester info will help her eventually get accepted. Congrats to all who’ve been accepted!</p>

<p>These two examples of postponement are really strange. I thought state school admission is more of data(stats) driven?</p>

<p>Yes, very frustrating. My daughter also postponed. UW GPA 4.0 W GPA 4.3 ACT 28
Hopefully she will still make it in after she sends in her semester grades</p>