Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>If the grade trending down, it could be a problem or a red flag to the admissions.</p>

<p>I was postponed this morning as well. I’m absolutely devastated. I am going to work the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life to get this. JDad what is your daughters current grades?</p>

<p>Based on past years all postponed still have about a 50-50 chance of admission. Hang in there and send in the supplemental stuff ASAP.</p>

<p>Anybody have Katie Emrich as a counselor? Has she made any decisions for you?</p>

<p>MNBADGER2011 – Sorry to hear you were postponed. Do your best, make good contacts, and believe good things will happen. As for my D, her grades trended up each year. She doesn’t have 1st sem grades yet, but expects ~4.2W. She’s staying positive.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many people they will eventually accept this year? More than usual? Less?</p>

<p>Probably about the same. They were right on target last year. If apps are up as I hear, the % accpeted may go down a few % points from say 56% to around 53%…</p>

<p>Thanks. What about postponements? Is is really true that they take 50% of us? Do a lot of people who are postponed lose interest and not follow up, therefore are not reconsidered?</p>

<p>Yes, the 50% or so is true–see below on process.</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> Blogs - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/02/17/postponed-patience/]Wisconsin”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/02/17/postponed-patience/)</p>

<p>Postponed :frowning:
3.5 UW, 30 ACT, 1950 ACT, LOTS of AP, Honors, IB classes ( I guess I didn’t always do that good in the hard ones), LOTS of community service, 4 years of sports, essays weren’t the best.
Also about 90 people from my school (a really good, challenging school) applied, and a good number of them probably looked better in every way so I’m not surprised that they’re not picking me.
On the plus side I’ve gotten into a lot of other schools, including my top ones so I’ll be okay…</p>

<p>Blondie47!! We were both postponed :frowning: Are you still going to pursue Madison? Have any of your friends heard no?</p>

<p>Wow. As on out of stater with a 31 ACT and a 3.3 UW GPA (although my grade trend is extremely favorable) with no extra curriculars I wonder how I was accepted.</p>

<p>@ MNBadger I know! It sucks :frowning: Well I dunno…so do we for sure not hear until March 15? Or could a real decision come sooner? I’ll probably just look more into other schools…I don’t think I’ll be getting a Madison acceptance though :confused:
No, one of my friends with a really good GPA got in, and my other friends haven’t heard yet.
Good luck to you though! I hope you get in! (Are you still considering Madison now?)</p>

<p>@UncannyCrayon Could be the essays. Mine weren’t good. The upward grade trend is always good. And if you’re a first generation, legacy or minority then you’d have a better chance. I’m also OOS… Just be happy that you did get in! DOn’t doubt they’re decision, I’m sure they had good reason to accept you! :)</p>

<p>*Don’t doubt their decision, …
(that was a bad one, I had to fix it)</p>

<p>i was just postponed as well…a lot more disappointed than i thought i would be. i have gotten into a few of my other top choice schools but this hit me a lot harder than i thought it would. i guess i just need to ace all my finals now :)</p>

<p>Blondie47: last year postponed final decisions didn’t start going out until beginning of March. They need to admit all the “for sures” before they even start going through postponed. I was also postponed… Not a fun place to be.</p>

<p>cclucky14: did you eventually get in? Do they admit less people during the second notification period?</p>

<p>ughh that’s so far away! :(</p>

<p>Has anyone on this entire forum heard of anyone that has been denied from Madison?</p>

<p>For those of you recently postponed I am sorry but hang in there. There are a lot of excellent students who got postponed and am not sure exactly why. I am guessing there are so many applicants with outstanding stats applying this year. My son was postponed and he has had consistent grade pattern since grade school. All A’s and 5-6 B’s since the 5th grade. Honors throughout 5th through 9th grade. High levels of Math and Honors Algebra 11 and 2, AP statistics and biology. College Calculus I Fall term of 11th grade at Community college= B, ACT 29, 72 out of 449 class rank, GPA 3.87 unweighted, NHS 12th grade, academic letters, Pathfinders, medicine Explorers program, study abroad in Israel spring term 11th grade - got A’s, volunteer throughout the years. I thought his essays were fair to good but I know that is subjective. He did them all by himself without help and I know so many people who get professional help writing their essays so I feel it is not really an even playing field nor is it a real indicator of true writing skills. He has wanted to go to Madison for years. He did take easier load this year which may have been his downfall but is really a very solid student. His anatomy teacher can not believe he was postponed since he is top in her class. he asked her to write him a recommendation when he was postponed. Hope that will help. I feel bad for him because he really loves Madison and thought his stats fit in the high end of their average acceptance pattern.</p>