Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>I’m quite nervous about my chances of getting in after seeing people with stats much better than mine being postponed :frowning:
3.6 GPA
29 ACT
top 22% in class :frowning:
great letters of rec and EC’s
should i be expecting postponement or straight-up denial?</p>

<p>@MNBadger Yeah, my friend was denied :frowning:
@nelsokel02 Well you’re around where I am (3.5 GPA, 30 ACT) and I got postponed…
But if you had very good essays and if you have a hard courseload I think you’ll definitely be safe from denial.</p>

<p>@blondie47: Wow. What wereyour friends stats?</p>

<p>MNBadger: My S was denied a few weeks ago as was his friend. We’re in NJ and it was a huge reach. His stats were (about) 3.7 W 3.45UW SAT superscored 1730, nice EC’s, brilliant essays. Good news…he’s in TEN schools a couple of which were reaches (although not as competitive as UWM. So far-his only rejection. Good luck all it’s one fabulous school and town!</p>

<p>Mnbadger: I am only a senior in high school…(currently postponed by the way…) but i read that directly on a wisc blog from karen. Last year it was march 1st when they started reviewing apps for postponed students.</p>

<p>cclucky14: what are your stats? Do you think they will accept more or less of us this year? I know they say about 50% but don’t you think a lot of people don’t follow up and send grades in because they lose interest or choose another school? Just a thought. Good luck though!</p>

<p>is anybody else on here still waiting for a first response?</p>

<p>I am. But I applied at the beginning of December.</p>

<p>Yes - still waiting. It has been 3 months and 11 days since the application was complete - but who’s counting:) At least it can’t be longer then another 2 weeks (unless, of course, the decision is “postponed.” (Also know of at least 2 others kids still waiting - one from the same school and one from a neighboring town.)</p>

<p>Is anybody else worried that they may just postpone all of the applications that they don’t get around to? I’ve been wondering about that possibility recently.</p>

<p>Comment on being admitted to the university regardless of intended major:</p>

<p>From an October 2009 report on enrollment management:</p>

<p><a href=“http://apa.wisc.edu/Enrollment/EM_Primer_Oct2009.pdf[/url]”>http://apa.wisc.edu/Enrollment/EM_Primer_Oct2009.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Traditionally, for freshmen admissions, the intended major has not been a factor in the admissions decision.<strong>Generally students are admitted to the university and then dispersed into the array of academic programs (about half of which have admission requirements of their own).</strong>We are now in a transition to a culture in which the intended major will become a factor in the admissions decision.<em>**CALS, Business, and Engineering are all seeking to have students move into their programs earlier.</em><em>These changes complicate the ability to predict the behavior of applicants in the admission process and to hit the enrollment target.</em></p>

<p>It is funny how my status is still “We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Check back here for updates on your application status.” after one month from applying. I called them, mailed them and all they say is that they’ve updated my status and have everything they need from my end. It is disturbing that my status hasn’t changed yet.</p>

<p>One time I called them, they told me that they needed a bank statement from me as I am an international student. I directly read to the representative from their website that bank statement and proof of financial proficiency is not requested for fall applicants and all she said was “Oh, OK then.”</p>

<p>Were we supposed to have gotten some form of confirmation email when we submitted our application? I don’t have the ID number that you need to check the application status still, and I submitted over a week ago.</p>

<p>yeah i applied oct 2nd and i still havent heard anything. About 100 kids from my class applied and i’m pretty sure only like 25 have heard so far…I’m getting so scared they’re just gonna postpone everyone and make us wait longer!! UGHHH
can anyone chance me?? </p>

<p>Illinois Res
GPA 3.4 UW 3.7 W
ACT 31 comp 32 eng 33 math 32 reading 28 sci
really good essays and 2 recommendations (AP calc teacher and habitat for humanity leader)
lots of extra curriculars like: dance team, theater, choir, variety show also choreographed and led freshman act in variety show jr and sr year, 3 jobs (2 restaurants and a summer camp counselor and swim teacher), dance class and teachers assistant, lotss of volunteering like interact club, volunteer at an animal shelter, student tutor and a week in mississippi doing habitat for humanity </p>

<p>i know the GPA kinda low but i have a upward trend from freshman year with a 3.0 UW 3.4 W to a 3.8 UW 4.2 W junior year </p>

<p>already accepted to University of Illinois at Urbana with similar essays
Thanks!! </p>

<p>i’m getting sooo nervous!!</p>

<p>also honors science math and spanish since freshman year and AP calc, stats and physics
National Honors Society and Illinois State Scholar, school doesnt rank but probably about top 15-20%</p>

<p>it seems as if maybe they’re waiting to inform people that are borderline (admit/postpone) like me, and maybe will just release the decision on or very close to Jan 15 after reviewing some of the 2nd notification period’s apps in order to avoid postponing so many people. That way they have a good idea of what they’re going to be recieving and can just simply admit or deny</p>

<p>Are you sure that the people still waiting are the people on the edge? Is there somewhere that people have been hearing this or is it just an assumption?</p>

<p>i mean, i havent heard this from any official source, i’m basing this off of what ive read in this thread and by which of my friends have heard and who is still waiting because most of the people who already got in seemed to have above 4.0s and 30’s and those who got denied also have seemed to be obvious denys. The ones who havent heard are those who are the most anxious because they dont know what the decision is going to be one way or the other… like people who have 3.3-3.8 and 26-31ish…im not saying htis is EVERYONE or that this is even right its just an assumption that i’m making soooooo its ok to not agree just lik,e over 100 kids from my class applied to madison and alot of them are my friends and most of them havent heard yet or just recently heard over break and they have stats similar to what i just said.</p>

<p>It looks like they’ve changed the My UW website around.</p>

<p>Yes, they’ve changed it. Anyone found where we can check application status now?</p>

<p>Honestly I don’t think you have much of a chance to get in. Your GPA just isnt on the same level as the rest of the UW-Madison applicants! My S was just accepted with a 4.5 W and a 36 ACT. Also I read your essays… not impressive. They are not very big on theatre, if you haven’t noticed they like football players aka my son QB #1. What the hell is a variety show?</p>

<p>Go Badgers!!</p>