Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>mhc48- click on student services at the top of the page and then there will be a link to the student center where you can check your status.</p>

<p>Decisions are picking up. At least 30 people have been accepted from my school.</p>

<p>I don’t know how you would have read my essays because they’re not anywhere on this site and you’re son is on the very high end of the scale</p>

<p>EMB9292: ignore that ■■■■■ post.</p>

<p>umm okay thanks Madison 85? and teachmwhowbtobucky: I don’t think which sport or activity I chose really matters to them. the fact isthat I have extra curriculars and if your son isn’t going to be on their football team then playing high school football makes no dfference to them. and variety show is like a big talent show lots of high schools have them</p>

<p>Has anyone from the very large hs in the lakefront suburb north of Chicago had a decision?</p>

<p>Thanks wiscoplease. Of course…no change.</p>

<p>maggyd: I’m from Stevenson High School which is large and north of Chicago (~4.5k people in the school), and I and my friends from SHS have not gotten their admission decisions yet. However, several people that I don’t know too well have reportedly received their decisions, but I have talked to none of them personally.</p>

<p>Anxiously awaiting my decision as Madison is my first choice though. I’ve looked up statistics on Madison and although my ACT score (34) is slightly above average, my GPA is a bit on the low side at about a 4.2 ish W (and 3.5 ish UW)… So I’m a bit worried.</p>

<p>My SOAR status just changed today to “The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term”. I know that that is sometimes an acceptance…have those that have been recently postponed also been getting that message? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I was accepted to UW on Thanksgiving day and have decided I’ll be attending in the fall! As for the student center/ SOAR registration pages. My SOAR box updated to the “we currently aren’t excepting registration for your admit term” about two days before my student center was updated to the “Congratulations!” page. Ignore the SOAR links though…the admissions office is not directly connected to the SOAR office, which explains the early SOAR notifications. I know how hard it is to wait, but DONT FREAK OUT…it’ll be up soon enough!</p>

<p>As for those who are postponed or EVEN DENIED, my sister, a current UW student with a standing 3.9 GPA was first postpones, then DENIED from UW. Seeing as this was the only school she could see herself at, she sent an appeal to UW, assuming that at such a large school it would never be read, and shockingly, she was admitted and is thriving in their classes. That being said, DON’T LOSE HOPE! Hope to see you all in the fall!</p>

<p>wow thats somewhat stress relieving. I still havent heard but am convinced i’ll be postponed…even after all of this waiting.</p>

<p>Accepted but I’m probably not going to go since I really don’t like that you’re not directly admitted into the business school.
I have a 31 ACT and a 3.45 GPA (unweighted). I was also in the top 8% of my class. My essays were crap cause I didn’t really try to get in. My dad made me apply. Congrats to those who got in and good luck to those deferred/denied.</p>

<p>Got accepted today, but I think i’ll end up at Wash U or Colorado School of mines so I can run XC and track.</p>

<p>In state, just outside madison
33 ACT
3.9 UW GPA
4 Ap’s Calc 5 Bio 5
Strong EC’s (state runner in track/xc, state forensics, leadership roles, the whole deal)
Didn’t send in any letters of rec tho, probably why it took a little longer</p>

<p>D accepted this morning!!! Go BADGERS!!!
29 ACT
93 UW 95.3 W
many honors and AP’s
2 foreign languages
strong junior year grades
2 varsity sports - captain this year
NHS and Music Honor Society
many other ECs
2 alumni recommendations in addition to guidance counselor and teacher recs</p>

<p>application complete 9/24
SOAR status changed on Monday to the usual “not accepting…”
Good Luck to those still waiting and postponed.</p>

<p>Regarding CC and Track. There is a Wisconsin Track Club (witrackclub.org) that many distance runners join to do daily running together, use the outdoor track and indoor running facilities/workout facilities of the Memorial Shell next to Camp Randall. Members can participate in some D3 events in WI and surrounding states, plus club nationals- use of UW vans for transport, pay own way. Madison has a fantastic running culture.</p>

<p>Quick questions about SOAR statuses…</p>

<p>“You are not eligible to make a SOAR reservation. Questions…”
Does this mean that the applicant will be denied, and has anyone been accepted with this?</p>

<p>"The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term.
Does this mean acceptance/postponement?</p>

<p>Wis75 the wisconsin track club is a good organization but i’d rather have the college track experience running d2 or d3. i should be able to run varsity (hopefully) my frosh year at d3 or even d2 school and just want to be on a good team.</p>

<p>mcether - i go to shs too haha</p>

Mine changed to that as well, not sure what it means.</p>

<p>As far as I know, “You are not eligible to make a SOAR reservation…” always means that denial is coming soon :frowning: sadly I haven’t heard of anybody getting accepted or even postponed with that status.</p>

<p>I applied November 1 and all materials were “confirmed” by November 3 except my transcripts which somehow got there November 11. The wait is killing me and I have no idea when I should be expecting a response</p>