Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Postponed…pretty frustrated, thought I’d get in</p>

<p>31 ACT
2000 SAT
5 AP classes
good essays
decent ec’s</p>

<p>Too many people with good stats. You got put in the pile of many they will need to reevaluate after the applications are all in. Do have another school you are prepared to attend and hope the news becomes good in March.</p>

<p>what is SOAR REGISTRATION???</p>

<p>Mine said that ‘Questions about your admission status should be directed to the Office of Admissions at <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a> or 608–262–3961. Check back here for information about the SOAR Program after you have received notification of admission.’</p>

<p>It is the orientation program for new freshmen. The SOAR registration status has usually changed online in myUW before the actual admissions accept/reject/postpone has been updated online. Depending on what the SOAR message changes to, many (including me) believe that you can divine whether you are about to be accepted/postponed, or whether you are about to be rejected. </p>

<p>I was accepted recently, and my SOAR message changed from the one that you describe, to one to the effect of “The SOAR program is not accepting reservations for your admit term”. Then, a couple of days later, my “Congratulations” message showed up in the Student Center section of myUW.</p>

<p>If you read back through this thread, you’ll get a better idea of what I’m talking about.</p>

<p>Accepted! </p>

3.73 w and 3.33 uw - 7 APs total
33 act
EC wise: president, captain, senior leader, publications graphic artist/writer
3 rec letters
great essays
Article published in medical journal
Lots of volunteering hours</p>

<p>I do also come from a crazy competitive public high school, top 10 in the state so i think that might have balanced out below average grades.</p>

<p>good luck with all your college things everybody :)</p>

<p>My SOAR status never changed from “Questions about…” but as of this morning I’m postponed.
3.6 UW GPA
top 22% of class
29 ACT
good essays, great letters of reccomendation and TONS of volunteering.
extremely disappointed…but i’m going to work as hard as i can to maximize my chances of being admitted.</p>

<p>Applies later for engineering. Congrats to both of you. You for being open-minded ;-)</p>


Did they offer any scholarship?</p>

<p>I find the people being postponed with 27+ ACT scores very odd, I was accepted with a 25 and a 3.8+ UW Accumulative GPA…</p>

<p>Although numbers are important, it’s obvious that they aren’t THE deciding factor in their decisions.</p>

<p>It’s hard to understand some of the decisions. Do you think some of the admissions counselors are more lenient than others?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if postponed students are ever let in prior to March?</p>

<p>i heard from a counselor at my school that they fired their entire admissions staff and thats why so many people are getting postponed and they’re taking so long on decisions but that might not be true. So like, they accepted and denied all the ones that are reallly definite ones, like people who this is a safety or a reach, and anyone who fits the criteria just got postponed until they figure out their staffing situations. I’m not 100% sure of this but its could explain all the weird stuff thats going on…</p>

<p>They did not fire the staff. They implemented wholistic review a few years ago and these are the results. Less numbers driven–maybe more diverse.</p>

<p>I believe that they also try to take into account how students from an individual’s high school have performed in the past at UW. That is an indicator of overall quality of education for the given high school. That historical performance is a factor that is difficult to quantify on a board like this, but probably comes into play in many admissions decisions.</p>

<p>The staff were not fired. Two of the admission counselors who quit told me that 8 of the 12 freshman admission counselors quit after the new director was hired, and that with 12 counselors the department was already understaffed.</p>

<p>my boyfriend got rejected from wisconsin, but he was deferred from michigan. he got a 29 on his ACT. he has A’s and B’s in normal leveled classes from 11th grade, but his 10th and 9th grades were weaker than that i think. he has four years of basketball, great summer internships, school newspaper, and he helped to start a magazine outside of school. his essay is a strong personal story of growth and development. it also somewhat explains his poor grades from 9th and 10th. do you think he has a shot at USC? and do you think he will eventually get into michigan?</p>

<p>How long from accepted status to acceptance in your mailbox? also, what is in the package they send you?</p>

<p>Quitting a decent job with good benefits is pretty rash in this economy. Especially when the lady has barely set foot in the office. What did she do to scare them? I think the previous guy was well liked but not a particularly strong leader. Forcing him out was a good move.</p>

<p>My letter got to my house 4 days after my status changed online. One of these days was a Sunday though so it could get to you sooner.</p>