Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>i just scrolled down under SOAR and it says that registration will be opening on 11/15…that’s THIS COMING MONDAY…hence, they must have mailed out a bunch of decisions today…btw, imanicollegehelp, sorry mistyping your name before, and thx for the good idea of printing out the page with “congrats on your admission”</p>

<p>Ok Ok, does this mean anything-I was fiddling around on the Student center Page, and under academics they had a tab for “placement tests” with detailed info and break down of every standardized test S has taken, with the following message:</p>

<p>For interpretation of these test scores- consult with your academic advisor.</p>

<p>If you have taken the Advanced Placement Test- scores will be available later in July.
If you re-take a placement test, the most recent scores will be used.</p>

<p>hmmmm to refer to SAT scores as “placement tests?” BEFORE acceptance? A clue??? Or a
car backfiring from “the grassy knoll”???</p>

<p>imanicollegehelp, </p>

<p>I see that too. Do you believe this is a good or bad sign?</p>

<p>have the same thing under academics. Never looked to see if it was there before. All scores are entered except self-reported AP exams.</p>

<p>Later in July??? Hmmmmmm not if he’s not accepted…???</p>

<p>my daughters page says that these scores were uploaded 7/22/10…of course i never thought to click through these tabs before…they could just be working on computer links and we are now seeing previously unlinked pages…of course i’m still hopeful, but not saying a word to my daughter…how many of us do you think will be peacefully sleeping at 2am tonight?</p>

<p>Taking this long they shouldnt call it “rolling admissions”, how about “crawling admissions”</p>

<p>Unfortunately, it looks like Bucky Badger is correct. They changed the SOAR message and added a link within the secure portal of MyUW, but they linked it to a non-secure page within the publicly accessible UW website. It’s very deceptive, and shows real lack of forethought on the part of admissions. Last year my son applied in mid-October and had an acceptance letter in the mailbox 6 days later.</p>

<p>Well I don’t see the stuff you are talking about under academics, but when I search around some more I am able to go into the scholarship section and go thru the process. It has the school that my D applied to and allows me to begin answering questions. These are scholarships which I would think are for accepted students?? If this isn’t “real” then it would be really disappointing that a non accepted person can access sections of a website that are clearly for admitted students.</p>

<p>Badgermom makes a lot of sense…it’s got to be that someone unlocked a computer gate without really thinking about the implications…oh how they’d all be laughing at us right now if they realized what a tizzy and active chatter they’ve started with this oversight…amazing that last year was 6 days to a decision and this year it’s posted as taking “7-8 weeks”…is it a new director of admissions or new software program that is the big change/delay this year?</p>

<p>There is a new director I believe</p>

<p>Ha! I have the whole “The SOAR program is not currently accepting reservations for SOAR…” thing on MyUW as well, and I’m a transfer applicant! It has to be a glitch since I was told my application wasn’t even going to be processed until December, but who knows!</p>

<p>^ It probably means nothing then…
Man. This just…sucks lol.</p>

<p>spitfyre45 - SOAR registration beginning 11/15 is for people who are enrolling for the first time as either 1st year students or transfers for Spring 2011 semester. The SOAR registration for kids who will enter UW for Fall 2011 won’t be until April.</p>

<p>Thanks Madison85. I thought it seemed a bit early to be registering for Fall 2011 applicants. With that being said, it is still a bit confusing and frustrating that applicants who will not be admitted have access to a location that is clearly supposed to be secure.</p>

<p>I re-read the admissions blog from November 1st explaining that the new process (which no one knew was “new” until that blog was released) was due to a leadership change back in May. In the link to the bio of the new director, she is referred to as a “skilled communicator,” and she has an undergraduate degree in communications and masters in telecommunications. Does anyone else see the irony in this? Just trying to make light of this frustrating communication fiasco…lol</p>

<p>LOL for sure Badgermom2010!!</p>

<p>I really do want my life back. Can’t wait for this to be over, although I do have to do this 2 more times. By the time the 3rd child gets to this process I will be numb.</p>

<p>5 am and no change in status…UGH…thank goodness i didn’t say anything to my daughter and i absorbed last night’s insanity myself…she has AP Statistics exam today and state tournament soccer game to worry about…thanks to all the other bloggers for sharing the experience so i didn’t drive my daughter crazy on top of everything else</p>

<p>I called two days ago and they said that they aren’t sending back any decisions for two weeks and that we should know before Thanksgiving. I was unclear, however, if they meant they are sending back ALL decisions or just the first batch. It seems unrealistic that it would be ALL though…</p>

<p>Well that certainly conflicts with the blog posting on the Wisc website that says decisions would be going out as early as Friday last week and most likely on Monday of this week.</p>