Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>SAT I: 1870 one sitting
International student
IB student
waiting for the decision…
@ lygrl874, did you get an email? or did you have to check online?</p>

<p>mnbadger2011 yeah i haven’t told them i’m not going yet… oops</p>

<p>for those of you who are on the waitlist, at least 4 kids from my school that were accepted aren’t attending this fall. looks like there will be lots of openings!</p>


It is difficult to project this. Admissions always “over-admits” with the understanding that many will not come. It is possible, however, that by reaching for more qualified students who have a wide range of options, as they appear to have done this year, yield will be below expected levels and wait lists will come into play.</p>

<p>All the kids that got in at my school are waiting to hear back from ivys or other very selective schools. None will go to Madison. I think UW has done a very poor job of admitting the wrong people, the ones who don’t want to go there. Frustrating to see so many people who care even care about UW.</p>

<p>*don’t even care about</p>

<p>MNBADGER2011 I would tend to agree with you, the situation is similar at my school. I think that the reason things are like this is because many students apply to UW Madison as a safety (I know I did, and I’m not regretting it, rejected scea at stanford, waitlisted at uchicago, only accepted at peperdine so far, which i could not possibly afford without a significant scholarship).</p>

<p>Caliemi: CONGRATS on pepperdine!! Where else do you still have to hear back from?</p>

<p>Thanks! I’m still waiting on USD, UPenn, Georgetown, Northwestern, Boston College, USC, and Duke. Most of these are kind of reach schools for me so I’m anxious =\ Where have you heard from?</p>

<p>I got into: Saint John’s, Catholic University, Loyola Chicago, UW Milwaukee, Cal Poly, Pepperdine, MSU, and the University of Minnesota.</p>

<p>Waitlisted: Madison</p>

<p>Rejected: UCLA and Notre Dame</p>

<p>Where will you go caliemi16?</p>

<p>Got my acceptance online today.</p>

<p>Wow congrats, that’s a long list of acceptances! My first choice is USC but I’m not sure financially that that will work out, I’m just waiting to see where I get in and hoping it all works out for the best :slight_smile: where do you plan on going?</p>

<p>At MNBADGER, that doesn’t make sense at all. Why would they not admit the best applicants they get? And on top of that with the record number of applicants this year some people are going to be upset. Looks like you are one of them which is understandable. Don’t give up hope on the waitlist hell dude I got in with a 3.28 and 27.</p>

<p>am i the only one who’s still waiting for the decision?</p>

<p>nope. I am too.
Hopefully by tmr we’ll know !</p>

<p>Has anyone got an answer?</p>

<p>I got it by email march 12th! It says your decision is posted online and then you can go check it. I am most likely going!</p>

<p>How come I still have not got a decision yet…</p>

<p>waiting for decision also… still not out! but i got accepted to berkeley already so i guess i won’t be going UW…</p>

<p>I called them and they are now saying that my application will be reviewed by the end of April…</p>