Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>For the non Wisconsin Residents, I would say it is a safe bet that the only acceptances that have gone out have been Wisconsin Residents. Makes sense, as the OOS % is much lower and my guess is they will get to the rest of us later in the notification period. Guess we will have to practice patience!!</p>

<p>Congrats to those that have gotten in, based on your stats you are all well deserving of the acceptance!</p>

<p>Some Minnesotans have been accepted too. The girl I know who was accepted had everything in on 9/15</p>

<p>I believe Minn students are considered “10 steps closer” to in-state than OOS. Oh well, it will be what it will be. Suspense is always hard.</p>

<p>I had everything in by 9/22.</p>

<p>For accepted families: Where are you in the alphabet? My S has similiar statistics to accepted students, but still has had no change in status. All materials were received in early September. Just wondering how they sequence the acceptees?</p>

<p>I got in today and I didn’t have everything in until the middle of October.</p>

<p>Would everybody who has received a response from UW - Madison please post the specific date that the university received their entire application and their state of residence? We can keep it consistent throughout the forum this way and it allows those who have not yet received notification to be able to gauge their response date more easily.</p>

<p>I’m from minnesota and applied on October 22nd. My status is still the same as how it started.</p>

<p>I don’t think that acceptances are alphabetical or necessarily chronological. Maybe (so far) it has more to do with who the admission counselor is (there are over 30). Could people who have been accepted posted the name of their admission counselor? (Maybe most people have ‘Jenny’ :slight_smile: ).</p>

<p>Look up your school’s assigned UW admissions counselor here:</p>

<p>[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/index.php]Meet”>Counselors and Advisors – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>I applied on sept 3rd, and all my materials were received by September 9th. My status has been “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admissions counselors, check back here for status updates” since early October. I have been wanting to go to Madison since I was in 7th grade…can someone truthfully tell me my chances of getting in?</p>

WI Resident
GPA-3.72 (i go to a catholic high school, and our grading scale is much harder, so I don’t know if they change my GPA to what a regular public school student’s GPA would be like) Our grading scale is the exact same as UW-Madison uses
95-100 A (4.0)
94-90 AB (3.5)
89-85 B (3.0)
84-80 BC (2.5)
79-75 C (2.0)
and so on…</p>

<p>So i don’t know if they will take that into account at how difficult it was obtaining a good GPA…</p>

<p>and I have a lot of extra curricular activities as well! </p>

<p>will I be admitted? please tell me what honestly you think my chances are!</p>

<p>ps-I had 2 recommendation letters as well!</p>


<p>Buckylover, It is really hard to know. They consider EVERYTHING. Your GPA and ACT are in the low end of average Madison stats admits BUT please remember they also accept those above and below the average range. Essays, activities etc. all are taken into consideration. My son had a friend last year with a 4.0 and 30 ACT score who was wait listed. You really never know. They do want a diverse group. A student with a super high ACT and GPA is not necessarily a shoe-in. Hang in there!! I am sending good vibes your way!!</p>

<p>so with all the extra time we’re patiently waiting, i’ve had a few additional thoughts…i wonder if they do their releases based on geographical location as we’ve only heard about those from Wisconsin & MN getting in so far…it’s supposed to be harder to get in as OOS because there are fewer OOS spots available, but I’m also thinking that they might have to accept more OOS apps since the yield on those who are accepted actually accepting their spot, is probably lower than an IS applicant…does this make any sense to anyone? We’re from NJ and in the past 5 years, it’s pretty standard that 4 people from our school apply to Wisconsin…generally they accept 1 of the 4, but none of our students actually ended up attending Wisconsin…I wonder how much they look at that statistic, which really wouldn’t be too fair, since my daughter really only wants to attend two schools (obviously one of which is Wisconsin), so I hope they don’t judge her on previous year students from her high school…any thoughts? Also, do people think it’s going to be a while until the next “wave” of release decisions, like 400 at a time, or do you think we all could be hearing ANY day. Does anyone think that the SOAR error from last week means ANYTHING? or just a general across the board error that happened for ALL students, not just the ones who were actually being reviewed…well tomorrow is the 15th, so i guess worst case scenario is that there’s an end in sight with a maximum of two months from tomorrow…unless of course the dreaded deferred comes and drags out the agony until April…I can’t even imagine!</p>

<p>My D was accepted yesterday. She is OOS.
GPA:3.95 (UW), 4.3(W)
ECs: Strong
Application Completed: 10/01</p>

Thanks for responding…gives me some hope for the OOS apps. First OOS acceptance on this board…CONGRATS! Do you know who your D’s admission counselor is? If not, even if you could share your home state, that would be helpful. You must be so relieved that you’re DONE< DONE< DONE…assuming that Wisconsin is your D’s first choice based on your screen name. Isn’t it also amazing that acceptances come out on Saturdays and Sundays, when Jenny said that it would appear in UW status 2 BUSINESS days later?</p>

<p>@spitfire45, I did phone the admissions department after the SOAR message error, and they told me that it definitely was an error. The message was only supposed to change for admitted students. Ours changed back the next day. Admissions staff also said the turnaround time depends on the admissions counselor’s schedule (assigned by high school). Apparently, many have been on the road talking to high school counselors. I find it an odd time of year to be doing this, but that’s what I was told. My UW Freshman was admitted in 6 days last year, and this year my high school Senior, with very similar credentials from the same high school, was just admitted Friday after a nine week wait. Sure seems like a lot is going on in the background, but no one is talking.</p>

<p>Her counselor is Emily.</p>

<p>Thx for responding…I’m beginning to think I sound like a neurotic nut…lol…amazing that my daughter is so calm and taking this all in stride…she’s the one that keeps telling me to get off of college confidential and stop obsessing…this is my third child…first one got his first choice 4 years ago on 11/2…next one got her first choice 2 years ago 10/31…i certainly thought that by the third child I’d have this all under control by now…yet it seems that admissions offices have really changed the timelines a lot this year in particular, and particularly for her top two schools on her list…this really makes watching Big 10 football very difficult this season</p>

we have emily too…i guess there’s hope that she’s working on them and not out on the road…my D had everything completed 9/22 and with similar stats, so hopefully we hear soon too</p>

<p>WiscoDad: What State Are You From?</p>

<p>We are from Ohio.</p>

<p>Counselor is Tom Reason.</p>