Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Thank you, @Azzian! Congratulations on your acceptance!</p>

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I have been following posts since early nov and though I would share this with you. </p>

<p>My S applied 10/14
WI resident;waukesha county
white male
3.8 GPA
29 ACT
6 AP classes
top 10% of class
one job and lots of babysitting
fundraising for research of his illness
great essay, he survived a life threatening illness and whats to pursue these career avenues; stressed how madison was his dream
one letter of recommendation</p>

<p>denied today.</p>

<p>farcast: So sorry about your son…Perhaps he can appeal the decision? He sounds like a perfect candidate for the school for admission. If I were him, I would contact his admissions counselor and maybe talk with him/her. There is not harm in doing that, since they have already denied him. It cannot hurt, I would think.</p>

<p>Just wondering… Is there a time of day they send acceptances? Or is it random?</p>

<p>@farcast Sorry to hear about your son…at the end of the day its not really about the school, its what you do with the education you receive. As others have stated I would try to appeal the decision. </p>

<p>@midwesthopeful I believe it really is “random.” I haven’t seen any rhyme or reason in how they send out notifications. Someone correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>Also a slight revision to my earlier post. My friend did not receive a 2130 on the SAT it was a 1930. We also confirmed today that the teacher did not get the letter of recommendation submitted in time. Excuse the error.</p>

<p>Sorry about your son. I would have someone in your son’s HS review your application data. Your son’s GPA and rank along with 6 AP classes is impressive.</p>

<p>Ditto to above farcast. Cannot believe not just postponed at worst. Appeal with Fall grades worth a shot.</p>

<p>Farcast, hannah and I are so sorry!!! Please know that this forum is not just about admission decisions; it is a source for love and support. We are here for you! I would definitely appeal your decision. Everything happens for a reason. My father is a lawyer and he always tells me that when he enters a courtroom, the judge never asks him where he went to college. It really doesn’t matter where you end up, as long as your happy (and if you’re not, transfer) best of luck, keep your head up.</p>

I am sorry to hear that your son was rejected. My son had similar stats last year with less AP’s. But he aced all his AP’s with 5’s. This year’s admission is a blood bath. I am glad my S did not apply this year…I hope Your son has other schools in his application pile. Good luck! I am sure he will be successful somewhere else.</p>

<p>I’m very sorry for the bad news. I agree with other posters on next steps for your son.</p>

<p>Your post made me super nervous, and I showed your post to my High School counselor. He seemed surprised, but wouldn’t just say it. He said that he would guess the GPA is weighted, and perhaps your son has a lower UW GPA or that the letter of recommendation wasn’t very flattering. I only share this info in case it helps your son find the right school.</p>

<p>This result has me bewildered. At first I was thinking UW is much more focused on GPA, so kids with 30+ ACTs must be getting rejected because their GPAs were less than 3.7 or so. But now we see a respectable ACT with a 3.8 GPA rejected. Farcast, was that 3.8 unweighted? If so, I just don’t get it. Of course we don’t see the entire application, but on stats this one seems like a postpone at worst.</p>

<p>We don’t know enough about that student’s numbers. Weighted/unweighted grades, overall gpa higher than junior year? Improving grades help, poorer grades will hurt.</p>

<p>Can I get your guys’ opinion?</p>

<p>I submitted my app online on October 31st, and all my other stuff should have already gotten there. I’m still waiting for an admission decision and after reading all of these posts, I’m getting really nervous. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>WGPA: 3.95
ACT: 34
SAT: 2140
Advanced Classes: Advanced Chemistry, Honor English 9 & 10
AP Classes: APUSH, AP World, AP Lang
Current Classes: AP Lit, AP Spanish, AP Calc AB, AP Biology, Chorale
Honors/Activities: NHS member, Senior Executive Board - Retreat Director, Model UN - Head Delegate (12th grade), AP Scholar, NMSC Semifinalist, Academic Gold Medal 9,10, & 11th grades. School Musical Chorus Member for 3 shows, stage crew for one show, volunteer hours: 40 per year. Volunteered at Holistic Care Clinic for 40 hours summer of 2011.
Essays: Made it clear UW is my dream school.
2 teacher LoR.
Intended Major: Biology
Single Legacy
Female/White/Out of State (MI)</p>

<p>My Status says: “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. During the review we may request additional materials. You will be notified by email when a decision is made so that you can check back here for updates on your application status.”</p>


<p>What I’ve learned from reading all the posts on UW Madison threads:</p>

<li> W GPA is irrelevent, you need to be concerned with UW GPA. With your great ACT score, I would guess (based on posts) that you’ll see need a 3.7 UW GPA.</li>
<li> Applying in late October and not having a status other than what you’ve listed is the norm. There are people who applied in Sept. who still have the same status as you. As has been pointed out, Admissions isn’t necessary reviewing in order received, but the promise on the UW Madison website is an answer by the end of Jan. </li>

<p>From what I’ve read on CC and UW Madison threads, you look great as long as your UW GPA is pretty decent. I’m just an applicant obsessed with reading these posts as I anxiously wait, so others that read and post are probably in a better position to offer opinions.</p>

<p>Oh gosh, I hear you. I’ve been reading thread after thread for hours now. And my unweighted GPA is about a 3.83.</p>

<p>Somebody posted that this year is brutal in that there is a higher standard and thus much more rejections. Granted there are cases here and there (like Farcast) that makes one wonder. But I am looking anecdotally at my son’s school and it almost seems like the flood gates are open for admissions. Decent (not spectular) ACT scores are getting in (e.g., 26 - 28). And add to that, many of these kids don’t necessarily have the most rigorous curriculum. Yesterday a kid with an ACT of 26 and UW GPA of 4.0 (that is good) but had only one AP course and NO honors courses got accepted.This kid admits to having a slacker curriculum and was surprised to get in.</p>

<p>Hey kiddies, turkey day in 5! Anyway, has anyone with Martinez White as their admissions counselor heard yet??</p>

Do you personally know this individual you speak of? If so, did he have alumni?</p>

<p>I certainly agree that the “flood gates” are open. I’m on facebook…alot and through the virtual grapevine I have seen and heard of many of my classmates being admitted (7 students). Of those that actually want to go to Madison, or just applied because “everyone else does it” is beyond me. I have only heard of one rejection. She wasn’t overly qualified, one of those “on the fence” cases I think. I suspect that Madison will be sending out a lot of notifications in the coming days.</p>

<p>Rakesgirls–Martinez White is my S’s counselor and we have not heard yet. My S’s app has been complete since late September and he has had the same status for over a month. Bases on CC postings, the volume of apps is overwhelming and my guess is admissions is doing the best they can. Waiting is just so hard, especially if you know UW is your top pick! Hang in there!</p>