Fall 2012 Semeter Bill

<p>Just got an e-mails saying that "Your Fall 2012 semester bill is now available to view online".</p>

<p>Logged onto Solar....
1. clicked on "Account Information/Payment"
2. then clicked on"Account Summary / What Do I Owe?"
3. then clicked on FAll 2012</p>

<p>All I see is the charges for room and board and my current payments.
I don't see the tuition and fees in the statement.</p>

<p>Am I missing something ? Will I be getting a separte bill for Tuition and fees ?</p>

<p>One last question, is there a fee, if I charge what I owe on a credit card ?</p>


<p>Did you come to Orientation and register for classes yet?</p>

<p>No, there’s no credit card fee.</p>


<p>Thanks Chris,</p>

<p>My orientation was on Friday and this morning the tuition and fees showed up.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>