Fall 2015 - Regular Admission Decisions yet?

Has anyone begun to get emails from Baruch College regarding acceptance or rejection? I realize it is still early since on the website they state that decisions will be out 6-8 weeks after the priority deadline (Feb. 1), but I’m just curious.

It’s my #1 school and still haven’t heard from them!

What about you guys?

I got an email on Feb. 19 saying that I was accepted. I got a letter in the mail a couple days later.

I got an invitation to apply to the Dean’s Scholars Program but I haven’t received an acceptance notification yet.

Hi I applied to Baruch and I haven’t heard anything yet. If justthatkid would tell me his scores or GPA it’d be great because I’m not really sure about my chances of getting in

My son just heard yesterday from Baruch finally, he applied end of October! It’s the only CUNY who did not email him, he received his acceptance regular mail. Stats are: 1260 SAT/2.4 GPA + essay, soccer, work, College Now. We thought his GPA was borderline but he goes to a rigorous school. Hope this helps and good luck!