Anyone got an acceptance email from deans scholar at baruch?

did anyone get accepted to deans scholar at baruch for fall 2015? i heard that notification was to begin from 3/15.

Not yet. I’m not sure about the date, but isn’t 3/15 the day MACAULAY acceptances are given out? Maybe you heard the information wrong - or maybe they both come out at the same time, not sure. When I applied, they never gave me a specific date on when acceptances will start to be given out.

I just got mine today :smile:

@mikomu Hey do you mind telling me your stats (HS average and sat), and if you plan on going

im still wating for the acceptance letter :((

How did you receive the acceptance? By mail or email ?

@itsxin‌ I received mine by e-mail.

@Daisox‌ I had a critical reading score of 590 and a math score of 610.
My gpa was a 91uw and a 94w
I did a lot of extra curricular. Key Club, Ichtus Club, French Club, Girl Scouts, National Honor Society, and I peer tutored. I volunteered at food pantries and walks and I currently volunteer at a hospital. I finished my Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award. Probably more that I’m missing as well.
My essays were pretty good as well as my recommendations. :slight_smile:

Good Luck with Baruch. :slight_smile:
They e-mailed mine to me a few days ago. I was also sort of worried, because some people on the facebook page got theirs on march 15th.

Thanks. I’m wondering if you actually thinking about going to Baruch or is it more of an safety option for you ?

i asked by email and i got this.

Decisions have started going out and will continue to go out until next Friday. If you have not heard anything by March 27th, please respond to this email or contact me at the number listed below.

I have yet to be notified about getting into the Deans program yet. They said letters would be sent out March 15th, should I be worried?

