Fall 2023 Acceptances and what comes next

What?!! Oh no! I’m so sorry this happened!

It made the local paper. I am so sorry that happened to you!

I commiserate, this happened to my older daughter when she applied to William & Mary two years ago. Emotional roller-coaster, let me tell you. Totally soured me on W&M.

My son just got an email about a scholarship offer - it wasn’t much, but we’ll take it! - we’re wondering if that is it for financial aid?


My dd got merit money.

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Congratulations! My D17 is also waiting to hear back from the merit scholarship gods. Was it an email or an update to her portal?

My daughter received merit, but we were really disappointed because we ran the NPC and what they offered was 1/3 of what the NPC estimated. I was told that the NPC is usually pretty accurate. Hopefully that doesn’t happen to anyone else.

What can you tell me about their Engineering program? My son got accepted there too. We have not yet visited that school.

What can you tell me about their Engineering program? My son got accepted too. We have not yet visited that school.
Thank you!

We went to their accepted student day last Saturday and were quite impressed with the event and the attention they gave us. They had professors, dean of the undergraduate engineering admissions, and students come out and answer questions. My son got to learn a little bit more about their CS program and other opportunities. We learned that it’s not too competitive to get into the classes you need as classes are restricted to engineering students. They have an engineering LLC and students stay at their newest dorm. We got to dine in their dining hall - my son thought the food was decent and good (LOL), and we got to tour their new engineering building and met more students and staff. It was a very good visit overall. My son got the most merit from VCU compared to other VA schools, so it’s staying on his short list. VCU is trying to grow its engineering program and they give students merit for staying in their program!

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Thank you so much for sharing! Same here, my son got the most merit from them so far.

We have a friend who’s daughter is going there as a biomedical engineer and she loves it. They are putting more money into the program, and also expanding their research.

I think it’s a good program and will lead to good results for any hardworking student