Fall Semester 2020 Partial Online Classes with Same Tuition Fee

Is anyone concerned about on-campus classes starting this Fall due to the pandemic situation. Also, we have been told that after Thanksgiving break 2020 Purdue will switch from on-campus to online classes for remainder of the Fall Semester but the tuition fee will not be adjusted.

Usually there is just dead week and finals after Thanksgiving. It’s basically not even two more week on campus and because they are going straight through and not having breaks, there won’t be less instructional time.

I had the same thought. Thanksgiving break went through 11/30 this year. Classes ended 12/7 and then finals. With the loss of the semester break, they are out a total of, what, three days of on-campus time? And there will be a full week of on-line to replace it.

Hardly worth a tuition adjustment, IMHO.