<p>Okay, well, I started working in Panda yesterday, and I suck. The assistant manager let me observe for about 30 minutes, and let me do the job. The line was so long, and I felt like it never ends. My throat hurts from greeting people, and the assistant manager keeps on telling me to say it louder, and I have to work in 8 hours, and did a lot of work. I felt like I made the wrong decision of working now, since I am also taking 18 units, and tons of homework, paper and final exams 2 weeks from now. I wanted to cry yesterday, I know I sound so lazy right now, this is my first job in my entire life. All my co-workers are nice so far. I just can't handle it. It would have been easier if my friend was also hired.</p>
<p>You are clearly miserable. Stick it out for a few more days and if you feel like you don’t belong there, find another job.</p>
<p>Ok thing number one, it would not have been easier if your friend was hired because your job would still be sucky. Number two, the first day and week are always the worst. I remember my first day at Burger King was horrible. I didn’t know how to use the register, I couldn’t remember any of the meal numbers, I would mess up the customers’ orders. It was just horrible. But in about two weeks I could name the entire menu without looking at the cheat sheet, and I actually began enjoying the work. </p>
<p>I get that you’re miserable and that you want to quit, but just remember. The next time you start a job, it will be just as bad. Most people don’t have an amazing first day simply because it’s stressful trying to adjust. But, if you quit you’ll never have the memories of getting through it and sticking it out. That means you’ll probably be more tempted to quit the other jobs too. Stick it out for a month or so, or until you really learn the job. Then you can make the decision that is best for you.</p>
<p>On the other hand, this is probably just about the worst time of the semester to start a new job…</p>
<p>yeah, food service sucks majorly. when i started waiting tables at TGI friday’s last summer i felt like i’d never be able to learn to be a server, either–stick it out, though; you’ll get in the swing of things sooner or later! usually it just takes a few shifts to get used to everything.</p>
<p>Today, my whole body hurts, I stayed until closing. I think I am getting worse at this job, one of the male customer even ask to replace me, although the assistant manager just pretended not to hear him. Some customers are also stubborn, they won’t admit that they are wrong. Some hated me for asking them to repeat their orders.</p>
<p>I am not sure if I am really stupid, but I am not recieving insufficient training. Maybe I just lack common sense, but they only want to give me direction once or sometimes I don’t even understand what they mean. I really feel incompetent, this is harder than college. But I guess this will be alright, hopefully. </p>
<p>If I keep on making the same mistakes again or keep on asking so many questions, will they fire me? I guess so, right?</p>
<p>when customers start to get annoyed at your mistakes, smile and say “Sorry, I’m new!” </p>
<p>it always worked for me, at least :)</p>
<p>^ yeah do that, I would totally understand because when I first started working, I used that excuse alot :)</p>
<p>Better let your studies settles first before starting a job I guess?</p>
<p>ok… so you are in college which a lot of people think is your one time chance ticket to better jobs and life. Do you really want to take up a job that is stressful and tiring (and possibly risk screwing your college life in the process)? I’m wondering if there are other easier job options for you.</p>
<p>For example, when I was in school, I worked at the school’s library at the front desk. The pay technically sucked, but it was actually better than any other part time jobs in the big picture… because I just sat there most of the time, no one was yelling or giving me grief over my shoulder, AND they even let me (actually, they encouraged it) bring my reading. So in some way, I felt like I was getting paid while I was doing my homework. My grades probably improved too because I had nothing else to do but to catch up on my reading assignments while I was “at work.”</p>
<p>I would only quit just because it might jeopardize my grades, not because things at work at not going “well.” </p>
<p>Just do what Hollylove told you. Seriously, people will understand that you are new, and that it is your first job! Just try to do the best you can.</p>
<p>The male customer that asked to replace you was an a-hole. You should that you were new. Anyway, don’t worry about those people.</p>