Fat People="an extra 60 mega tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions"



<p>Hence, if ya ain’t gonna beat them, eat some donuts, cake, burgas, and join them! =P</p>

<p>I’m interested in the effect of this recession on obesity. </p>

<p>Reasons why people will lose weight
-McDonald food still more expensive than homemade food. Usually, homemade food is healthier.
-Some people just can’t afford to eat that much. Quality hasn’t changed, but quantity decreased.
-People might work more hours and therefore exert more energy.
-People might have to walk or bike to work since they can’t afford cars or powered transportation. </p>

<p>Reasons why people will get heavier
-McDonald is still cheaper than fancier, and healthier normal restaurants.
-People might eat more snacks like pop and chips instead of a full meal.
-Less money and time for the gym.
-More work, but less quality exercise.</p>

<p>Funny thing is all of the fat people I know eat way less than those who are skinny. My roommate Matt who is like 350 eats probably a 3rd of what I eat daily.</p>

<p>In the US we have more or less accepted being fat, 2/3 of our population is overweight and more are getting fat. although skinny is the ideal, people are pushing body acceptance, pushing the idea that you can be fat but still healthy and that bigger is better or whatever. Now, of course you can be fat and healthy. But if everyone ate healthy and exercised, the percentage of fat people amongst nations would be roughly the same (allowing for differences between ethnicities). Yet, 2/3 of the USA is overweight or obese, whereas in other countries, only like 5% of people are obese. Every fatty likes to complain about thyroid problems and a slow metabolism getting in their way and how hard it is to lose weight, but most of these people are full of BS. Some people can’t help being fat, some are naturally larger, but there is a reason most people worldwide find it shocking 30% of Americans are morbidly obese. 30%, people. That’s astounding! In a world where hundreds of children die each year from hunger, millions of Americans eat themselves to death. Death by donuts, more common than drowning these days.</p>

<p>Its not just America though. Europeans are getting fatter by the day and eventually they will catch up with us. Asians while much smaller, in proportion many of them are getting fatter.</p>

<p>Through Evolution, nature has picked survivors to pass on their genes . It just so happens that those survivors are ancestors of most of the fatter people today. Fat people tend to be fat because their body stores more than a regularly sized person. The storage helps with survival in times of famine. </p>

<p>So while you may say its bad to be fat. The chances of you out surviving a fat person in times of survival are nil.</p>

<p>^^^ Yes but when the next “population crash event” occurs, guess who will be the first to go.</p>


Considering type-II diabetes shortens life span, I’d say that’s rather unlikely.</p>

<p>Good thing is a fat person can live with type II diabetes for years and it really only takes 6-10 years off there general life span. I think not eating for that long would make the skinny guys die alot soon. In that situation, id rather have the type II diabetes and be fat.</p>

<p>^ Huh? Are you implying a fat person could go 6-10 years without eating?</p>

<p>Actually it has been shown that significant calorie reduction slows down the metabolism to the point it creates the effect of aging slower.</p>

<p>In no way whatsoever do fat people outlive average to skinny people.</p>

<p>I never said fat people outlive the skinny in non-survival situations, though sometimes they do. In a survival situation where food is scarce the fatter person will last longer over the skinny. </p>

<p>No I am not saying fat people can go 6-10 years without eating. What I am saying is this. If we assume the average life span is 70 years. Person A is gatter and has diabetes so he will only live to 60. Person B is normal and skinny and will live to 70. In the survival situation where food is very scarce that later 10 years means absolutely nothing, as if both people are lets say 30 yrd old. It would take 30 years for the diabetes to really do a tool. The chance of the skinny person lasting that long in a situation with scarce food is nil. So the fat person will win.</p>

<p>Its not even debatable that fatter people are better survivors. They can utilize much more of the food they eat, by storage. Skinny people don’t do that. So in a sudden onset of famine and civilization crashes. If the 1 a dn only set of food is split evenly among a town people, the fatter people will outlive the skinny. The skinny people will literally starve to death before more food comes. Though the fatter people are what, maybe into a quarter of their fat by this time. By the time the next installment of food comes or rescue the fatter people live the skinny die. </p>

<p>There is a reason native American tribes are the fattest population in America, they have the greatest past in food scarcity and this via evolution they retain fat more than those who haven’t faced famine.</p>

<p>^ Actually, the skinny people would just eat the fat people.</p>

<p>While Dr.Horse is correct, it doesn’t matter cause we’re not starving peasants on an island, most Americans have access to plenty of food and we’re not in a survival situation where food is scare. We’re in a sitatation where food is everywhere and some people feel the need to shove it down their throats to the point where they are extremely overweight and get all these cardiovascular disorders. And in these cavemen-like survival situations, the skinny people would be able to run and hunt and capture prey whereas the fatso’s would sit there using up stored stomach fat til they ran out. </p>

<p>I don’t know, I don’t really care about this cardiovascular crap. I like neurology and while studies have shown healthier eaters are less at risk for Alzheimer’s, you can eat healthy everyday of your life and die of Huntington’s or MS at 40. That’s what makes neurological disorders so fascinating. You, BetterThanYouAre, I bet you’re a healthy little boy. But you could DIE of a neurological problem at 25, just drop dead! Just sayin’. :)</p>

<p>I dont think the fat people would just sit there. Why would they? Most fat people I know are more athletic than most of the skinny ones, for the reason they are trying to loose weight. the fat people would still hunt for themselves.</p>

<p>The fat people are bigger, and with the extra weight most are also stronger. I don’t see a 160lb college student taking down a 350lb college student. It just wont happen. Bigger people can take more blows and hit harder. Ive fought my fair share of bigger guys in my day and to be honest, I get tired a lot faster then they do. They kind of just stand there and take the hits, then when you are tired they just get you and make you submit or worse. </p>

<p>So I highly doubt the skinny people could or would kill or eat the fat.</p>

<p>^ Pfft, we have guns. We don’t need to take down the fatties by hand. ^_^</p>

<p>Alternately, we could use harpoons.</p>

<p>[/probably shouldn’t be posting when this tired]</p>

<p>Overweight, but not obese (by BMI) people have the lowest overall mortality.</p>

<p>[Causes</a> of Death Are Linked to a Person’s Weight - New York Times](<a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/07/health/07fat.html?ex=1352091600&en=df140405014189b6&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss]Causes”>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/07/health/07fat.html?ex=1352091600&en=df140405014189b6&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss)</p>

<p>And evolution doesn’t really apply to humans since agriculture was invented. Most of our adaptations are relics from the hunter/gatherer stage of human evolution.</p>

<p>^Mortality rate is a very biased figure. It’s does nothing to reveal the quality of life. </p>



<p>For example, diabetes often do not kill the patient. Yet, it is a serious and inhibiting disease. How do you compensate for the fact the the normal-weight person might live a bit shorter but lived much better?</p>

<p>oh for godsake boys…stop using science and reason to come to logical conclusions. instead, point your peeps at these babes: <a href=“http://www.zanyvideos.com/uploads/fat_woman_in_bikinis.jpg[/url]”>http://www.zanyvideos.com/uploads/fat_woman_in_bikinis.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>do we like? personally, I don’t think I could take 'em down. If I was stranded on an island in a survival situation with them…i might just drown myself. :)</p>

<p>I’m not talking fat, but BMI doesn’t really take into account much. All the study is saying is that perhaps 25 as a cutoff point may be arbitrarily low. My weight is classified as borderline overweight, but most of that’s because I work out- my vitals and blood panel numbers are awesome. And being heavier as an older person is usually a predictor of better quality of life. Thin older people are usually thin because of sarcopenia and the consequent frailty.</p>

<p>Fitness should be emphasized much more than weight. If you’ve got a BMI of 30, but can run a six-minute mile, you’re probably okay.</p>

<p>Edit: Re: 37- eww.</p>

<p>We had guys on my Hs football team and guys in the NFL now who weigh near 400 lbs and can run a 5.2 40 yard dash and a 7 minute mile. Id say these people while fat are alot healthier than the skinny 160 lb college student who doesn’t nothing all day but drink maintain dew and play wow.</p>

<p>[Junkfood</a> Science: Say it isn?t so ? Part two](<a href=“http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2006/11/say-it-isnt-so-part-two.html]Junkfood”>Junkfood Science: Say it isn’t so — Part two)</p>

<p>also i really like how the 2/3rds of americans are obese statistic was debunked in this thread only to reappear like five posts later</p>