Fat People="an extra 60 mega tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions"

<p>I'm not kidding. No offense, but it's a big, fat truth. </p>

<p>BBC</a> NEWS | Health | 1970s lifestyle protects planet</p>

<p>OMG WIN</p>

<p>I’m loving it</p>

<p>So my jogging a few times a week actually helps save the planet? Go me?</p>

<p>Fat people are a detriment to society in many ways. They are less productive than healthy people and they are a bigger strain on the health care system. Worst of all society (at least, american society) is now telling people that it is somehow “OK” to be fat and that there is no problem if you aren’t trying to get healthier.</p>



<p>Of course, McDonalds and other fast food chains require such sentiments.</p>

<p>no, your eating a few less big macs helps save the earth</p>



<p>And that is a damn shame.</p>

<p>I feel like people are lazier, and feel more “entitled” than ever before, and that is part of the problem. The same people you hear *****ing about putting on weight after the winter holidays and make resolutions to “lose weight” are the same folks who are then slobbering down a double cheeseburger the next week.</p>

<p>Then after complaining that there is just “no time” to exercise; well, not when they are watching American Idol and other television shows for hours each day. </p>

<p>Seriously. Some fruit and 30 minutes of exercise three days a week would do wonders.</p>

<p>im what you’d call big, but im really not in a mood to change it. i seriously do have alot going on, and i already do weight training and conditioning for football and karate.</p>

<p>im just fat and happy, unlike half of america who can’t stop b1tching about looking too fat while they wipe the mayo from their face.</p>

<p>I am not fat but this is an incredibly unimportant issue to me. I understand that individuals are healthier if they are not overweight, but I have benefited so greatly from wonderful people I have met who are heavy that I don’t want to talk ill of these people I love.</p>

<p>It is a damn shame that people achieve a sense of self worth by comparing their abs to Brad Pitt’s…if you are big and happy, all the power to you. It may not be the key to a longer life but atleast you will be happy living it. I am never going to tell someone to lose weight, because if they really wanted to, they would have.</p>

<p>yeah be careful of the difference between fat and at a healthy weight. we americans seem to only see ‘skinny’ as acceptable. super skinny people arent exactly a help to society either as they are inherently weaker and could even have an eating disorder.</p>

I loved that title hahahahahahahaha</p>


Nah, we Americans are the fattest people in the world. If only skinny was acceptable, then over 60% of the country wouldn’t be overweight or obese. I’ll admit these statistics are based on BMI which is stupid, but we’re the fattest creatures on earth, a nation of beluga whales. We are turning into a nation of fat pussies whose idea of exercise is reaching for the remote control and walking across the hall to to get some pudding. Eating disorders account for probably less than 2% of the population, but over half the country’s obese/overweight.</p>

<p>I don’t let fat people in my car, period. It ruins my seats.<br>
Then again, I don’t associate with fat people. So its all good =]</p>

<p>I don’t think extra food energy can be blamed on solely fat people. I think many people eat more in general. Some are just lucky enough to not gain weight. I mean, my boyfriend eats whatever he wants and whenever he wants and doesn’t exercise. I’m sure hes contributing to that additional cost but hes pretty much the ideal weight for his height. </p>

<p>But I for one think we should go back to eating healthier and more local foods… and less of them.</p>

<p>But I doubt it will happen until we absolutely have to.</p>



<p>Last I checked (sometime last semester), America wasn’t even in the top 5.</p>

<p>Well, we still have the highest percentage of obese citizens in the world. But whether or not we’re #1, you can’t deny we have a huge problem with being overweight.</p>

<p>According to this <a href=“http://www.epidemiologic.org/2007/02/most-overweight-countries-in-world.html[/url]”>http://www.epidemiologic.org/2007/02/most-overweight-countries-in-world.html&lt;/a&gt; we are #9 when ranked by average BMI, but according to <a href=“Countries Compared by Health > Obesity. International Statistics at NationMaster.com”>Countries Compared by Health > Obesity. International Statistics at NationMaster.com, over 30% of our country is obese. That means 3/10 Americans have a medical condition where they’re so fat, it reduces their life span and causes several health problems. it’s a sad state of affairs.</p>

<p>Most of the countries ahead of the US in #17 are pacific islander nations, most likely made up of people that tend to be bigger.</p>

<p>I get a daily newsletter email from the AMA, and a recent study came out that said that BMI may not be accurate for non-Caucasian races.</p>

<p>I just don’t understand how people can allow themselves to be obese.</p>

<p>I will never date someone who is obese. I’m not saying I’d only date people with a Shakira stomach, or something like that. Like people a little bit overweight, meh, people have their bad times and get a little over. But the legitimately fat people, are just a no. I just could not date someone who has the lack of caring, drive, and focus to allow themselves to be obese. There is not only the detriment of them not being physically attractive, but also the detriment of that personality flaw.</p>

<p>I don’t care if my friends are fat or not. But it does suck when you’re in a car, or on a couch and they’re taking up so much room. Or your playing sports and they’re gassed after 2 minutes.</p>

<p>What I find funny is that rather than lose weight, people have just changed their standard as to what’s attractive:</p>

<p>[Survey:</a> It’s OK To Be Overweight - CBS News](<a href=“http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/01/11/health/main1203003.shtml?CMP=OTC-RSSFeed&source=RSS&attr=U.S._1203003]Survey:”>http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/01/11/health/main1203003.shtml?CMP=OTC-RSSFeed&source=RSS&attr=U.S._1203003)</p>