<p>D .</p>
<p>A .</p>
<p>You can’t sleep tonight Paula, can you?</p>
<p>R .</p>
<p>No, I’m on vacation in CHINA!!!</p>
<p>I .</p>
<p>N .</p>
<p>Oh right this is the seventh day of the lunar new year in China, the day when everyone grows 1 year older. According to Wikipedia, the seventh day is the day when braised cat entrails, tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten.</p>
<p>um…idk about that food</p>
<p>but there are parties and fairs
and lots of fireworks
someone lit a bush on fire outside our window this morn.</p>
<p>and friends/relatives
give so much money
i got 4500 yuan at one party
that’s around $643</p>
<p>Hey everyone!</p>
<p>I am so proud with Exeter. They finally updated those “day in the life of a student” things to include another student. I was getting tired of reading the same ones every day. I am pretty sure some of those people graduated.</p>
<p>well 6 out of 10 of them are seniors so they will probably have to update them next year. And why would they add a senior now, if they just have to update it once she graduates??</p>
<p>Is the new student Monique? I think I have seen the rest of the profiles before, but I’m not exactly sure. An addition of a post-graduate student would have been great though.</p>
<p>you guys are AWESOME! thanks everyone for helping out and assign, thanks for posting here and helping even though you’re almost the andover board leader. that is TRUE SPIRIT! YEAHHH. 8D</p>
<p>Exeter updated their profile thingies?! MUST GO CHECK!</p>
<p>also braised cat entrails sound delicious. not as delicious as fried octopus eyeballs though o.O</p>
<p>blahh forensics tournament yet and my partner and i still can’t decide our intro. should it be DRAMATIC AND INTENSE or kinda weird and pausy?</p>
<p>assign, may i remind you that you did the same? :B</p>
<p>you know what sucks? i’m waking up at 6 tomorrow and it’s 12 am here D: YAYYYY</p>
<p>i should sleep but i still have this thing to work on! ajsfjasjfjsaf</p>
<p>I wonder how they choose the profiles for the day in an Exonian’s life things?</p>
<p>if I could get away with lighting a bush on fire in the name of Chinese New Year, I might do it. miiiiight. :B</p>
<p>Je veux ton amour! O:</p>
<p>Haha, the fire people just walked over slowly, without a care in the world, some people ignored the scene, and some helped the bush-burners put out the fire with buckets</p>
<p>…does a burning bush remind anyone of something? lol, I just watched Jesus Christ Superstar, wink wink nudge nudge</p>