Favorite BS is Exeter

<p>D .</p>

<p>A .</p>

<p>You can’t sleep tonight Paula, can you?</p>

<p>R .</p>

<p>No, I’m on vacation in CHINA!!!</p>

<p>I .</p>

<p>N .</p>

<p>Oh right this is the seventh day of the lunar new year in China, the day when everyone grows 1 year older. According to Wikipedia, the seventh day is the day when braised cat entrails, tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten.</p>

<p>um…idk about that food</p>

<p>but there are parties and fairs
and lots of fireworks
someone lit a bush on fire outside our window this morn.</p>

<p>and friends/relatives
give so much money
i got 4500 yuan at one party
that’s around $643</p>

<p>Hey everyone!</p>

<p>I am so proud with Exeter. They finally updated those “day in the life of a student” things to include another student. I was getting tired of reading the same ones every day. I am pretty sure some of those people graduated.</p>

<p>well 6 out of 10 of them are seniors so they will probably have to update them next year. And why would they add a senior now, if they just have to update it once she graduates??</p>

<p>Is the new student Monique? I think I have seen the rest of the profiles before, but I’m not exactly sure. An addition of a post-graduate student would have been great though.</p>

<p>you guys are AWESOME! thanks everyone for helping out :smiley: and assign, thanks for posting here and helping even though you’re almost the andover board leader. that is TRUE SPIRIT! YEAHHH. 8D</p>

<p>Exeter updated their profile thingies?! MUST GO CHECK!</p>

<p>also braised cat entrails sound delicious. not as delicious as fried octopus eyeballs though o.O</p>

<p>blahh forensics tournament yet and my partner and i still can’t decide our intro. should it be DRAMATIC AND INTENSE or kinda weird and pausy?</p>

<p>assign, may i remind you that you did the same? :B</p>

<p>you know what sucks? i’m waking up at 6 tomorrow and it’s 12 am here D: YAYYYY</p>

<p>i should sleep but i still have this thing to work on! ajsfjasjfjsaf</p>

<p>I wonder how they choose the profiles for the day in an Exonian’s life things?</p>


<p>if I could get away with lighting a bush on fire in the name of Chinese New Year, I might do it. miiiiight. :B</p>

<p>Je veux ton amour! O:</p>

<p>Haha, the fire people just walked over slowly, without a care in the world, some people ignored the scene, and some helped the bush-burners put out the fire with buckets</p>

<p>…does a burning bush remind anyone of something? lol, I just watched Jesus Christ Superstar, wink wink nudge nudge</p>