Favorite Fictional Character: God

<p>i'm applying as a transfer and the app is due feb 1st. but for quick takes, for the favorite fictional character one i accidentally put "God"</p>

<p>i wrote that long time ago as a joke but after i submitted i forgot to change it. am i screwed? i also put "holy bible" for favorite book since i am christian</p>

<p>Never mind…I think it will be an advantage…because most people won’t even think of Him. No problem. Best of Luck.</p>

<p>umm none of your quick takes will affect your chance.
plus im not arguing with anyone religious here but technically you are correct to say God is fictional
but who cares. one wrong word’s not going to change a thing. unless it’s a swear word lol</p>

<p>They can’t discriminate based on religious beliefs anyways. Even if you truly believed he was fictional, it would probably just add another dimension to your application to say that you’re that die-hard athiest. Needless to say, I wish I would have thought of that.</p>

<p>Is this for your Notre Dame essay? If you were applying to Pepperdine, Notre Dame, Hillsdale, Bob Jones University or Oral Roberts, then you might have created an unnecessary obstacle to admission, but USC will probably accept it as a quick witted test showing your loyalty for the big game each year with Notre Dame.</p>

<p>I put Jesus as my role model, and a Jedi Master as my dream job.</p>

<p>This kind of reminds me about “Clam Fart.”</p>

<p>i would have said don draper. beast</p>