Favorite things?

<p>What is your favorite....</p>

Tv show
Song </p>

<p>Also, what is one hobby you enjoy? </p>


<p>Ender’s Game
The Universe
And Currently Red Reflection by Spindrift</p>

<p>Harry potter
Toy story
Big bang theory
Too many to name lol

<p>Crime and Punishment
Little Miss Sunshine
“Ce Soir” by Kyo</p>

<p>Book: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Movie: The Matrix
Song: Ride A White Swan - T.Rex</p>

<p>Hobby: Reading/seeing/performing Shakespeare.</p>

<p>A Brave New World
Donnie Darko
The Kids by B.o.B</p>

<p>(all subject to change)</p>

<p>oh and hobby: drums</p>

right now it would be Magnolia
Arrested Development/Lost
The National - Slow Show</p>

<p>Book the pelican brief
Movie: goodwill hunting
Tv show: scrubs
Song: high road by fort minor</p>

<p>Harry Potter
The Prestige
The Office
Coldplay - White Shadows</p>

<p>One of my many favorites…</p>

<p>Short History of the World

<p>A hobby? I suppose Powerlifting is one.</p>

<p>Catch 22
Green Street Hooligans (AYE, AYE!)
The IT Crowd (Have you tried turning it on and off again)
Revelry - Kings of Leon</p>

<p>Hobby - Computer System building/repair</p>

<p>Catcher in the Rye
Either Little Miss Sunshine or The Breakfast Club or Pulp Fiction
The Mighty Boosh
Already Gone, Sugarland</p>

<p>Book: between a few… Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, and Atonement are the forerunners
Movie: either Frost-Nixon or Mean Girls
Tv show: Big Bang Theory, though I’ve got to give a shoutout to the awesomeness of IT Crowd mentioned up there.
Song: gosh, depends on how I’m feeling.</p>

<p>Hobby: cooking</p>

<p>Books: Invitation to a Beheading, Ham on Rye, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks
Movies: The Prestige, Black Swan, The Shawshank Redemption, The Day the Earth Stood Still (original)
TV Shows: Criminal Minds, Dexter, Lost (first three seasons), Community, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama, Scrubs, etc.
Songs: The Avett Brothers - My Last Song To Jenny, The Jet Age of Tomorrow - Orange Juice Simpson, Kanye West - Runaway, Lupe Fiasco - Lu Myself/Daydreamin’/Superstar/Words I Never Said/Streets on Fire/Fighters, Throw Me the Statue - Lolita/Groundswell, The Tallest Man on Earth - Tangle in This Trampled Wheat/The Drying of the Lawns/Love is All/The Wild Hunt
Hobby: Playing piano and saxophone, hiking, bowling, blah blah blah I don’t see how anyone can choose one thing for any of these.</p>

Last Days of Summer and Honey, Baby, Sweetheart
Remember the Titans
TV Shows
Glee, True Blood, Iron Chef America
Because the Night - 10,000 Maniacs
River Deep, Mountain High - Glee Cast
Call My Name - Third Day
With Me - Sum 41
Moonrise (Piano and Cello) - Brian Crain
Also, what is one hobby you enjoy?**

<p>Book: Ender’s Game
Movie: Alien
TV Show: Tom and Jerry (the old version…not the new crap)
Song: Outside by Staind</p>

<p>I airsoft for a hobby.</p>

Anything by Chuck Palahniuk or Bret Easton Ellis, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell</p>

Anchorman, American History X, Office Space</p>

<p>TV shows:
Degrassi, Chapelle’s Show, Seinfeld, The Colbert Report, Family Guy, South Park</p>

way too many to name</p>

learning foreign languages</p>

<p>1984 by George Orwell
Fight Club
Doctor Who
Hard to say about the song…</p>

<p>Book: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
Movie: The Miracle Worker
TV Show: SNL (the one from the 1970s. Not the modern one.)
Song: Moon River</p>

<p>One Hobby: Musical Theatre</p>

<p>Book: Anything by Stephen King.
Movie: Lord Of The Rings.
TV Show: 24, Law and Order: SVU, Degrassi
Song: She’s A Lady - FTSK</p>

<p>Like @DrewCollins, I like to airsoft too. Also, practice Krav Maga.</p>