Favourite era in History.

<p>I've always been fond of the Colonial period (1603-1776). The late Bronze Age is also one of my favorite eras.</p>

<p>Pre-renaissance times.</p>

<p>The Eighties.</p>

<p>Haha, just kidding.</p>

<p>Hate to be a spoilsport, but if you're a minority, you probably don't want to live in any era (in America) before the 60s. If you're not a WASP, then you probably don't want to live in 18th century America. If you're not Catholic with a really wealthy and really corrupt family, you probably want to avoid the Renaissance. And so on. </p>

<p>Bottom line: We live in pretty sweet times.</p>

<p>Ancient Greece (especially the time of Sparta and the Persian wars), Rome, The Medieval times, and to some extent the ren. I agree with another poster though, most stuff after 1800s is kind of dull to me. People turned all "civilized" and diplomatic, and now look where we are. If we couldve just stuck to phalanxing each other to death :p.</p>

<p>If I had to choose one time and place, I would have to choose the Holy Land around 33 A.D. I would like to see what Jesus looked like, and hear Him preach, and maybe talk to Him. Mary too, as well as Peter and the other original Apostles. </p>

<p>Barring that, I would probably choose Ancient Egypt, before Alexander.</p>

Hate to be a spoilsport, but if you're a minority, you probably don't want to live in any era (in America) before the 60s. If you're not a WASP, then you probably don't want to live in 18th century America. If you're not Catholic with a really wealthy and really corrupt family, you probably want to avoid the Renaissance. And so on.


<p>Hence why I said "I probably wouldn't want to live in any of these eras, but..." For example, WWII is probably the era I love studying about the most, but as a half-Japanese American, well... let's just say internment camps don't sound all that great from the stories I've heard about what my grandparents had to experience.</p>

<p>This is tough. I'd say </p>

<p>a. 1770's in France - height of Versailles
b. 1880's in Britain - "the most civilized people" of the time :P
c. 1920's in America/Britain - I love flappers :P
d. 1960's in France - Student riots
e. 1967 in Czechoslovakia - Prague Spring
f. 1980's in Soviet Union - too much to explain </p>

<p>and today sucks :P</p>

a. 1770's in France - height of Versailles


<p>I guess if you were a noble, it'd be okay, but chances are, you'd be a peasant and life would really suck. Plus, everybody would smell really bad. On the other hand, if you're above 5'5", you'd probably be the tallest person in France! But you'd probably get picked on a lot in the bars. But then again, they're Frenchmen, you can take on them all! No offense, UCLAri =)</p>

b. 1880's in Britain - "the most civilized people" of the time :P


<p>If by "civilized" you mean "busy screwing up the rest of the world".</p>

c. 1920's in America/Britain - I love flappers :P


<p>Hope you're a rich WASP because otherwise, life will probably suck. God forbid you should be a minority (black, Asian, Mexican, Jewish, Italian).</p>

d. 1960's in France - Student riots


<p>You could've joined in the riots a few months ago!</p>

e. 1967 in Czechoslovakia - Prague Spring


<p>Enjoy being crushed by Soviet tanks.</p>

f. 1980's in Soviet Union - too much to explain



<p>lol, but there are negative aspects about every era in history</p>

lol, but there are negative aspects about every era in history


<p>True, but the social conscience in me can't help but be restless when people romanticize times when autocrats had bidets of solid gold while peasants ate 2-year old bread, just because some aloof court-sanctioned hack wrote a few stories about how great everything was if you were the lucky 0.000001% of the population to be born into wealth, title, and beauty.</p>

<p>EDIT: I deleted the whole thing.
I am well aware of the negative sides of every time period I mentioned, but it doesn't mean I can't like the culture and feeling that a specific time period had. Yes I like to romanticize time periods, I liked "Gone with the Wind" for crying out loud, can't help it. :p</p>

<p>I liked Gone with the Wind too!</p>

<p>I also love the ambience of the musical "Cabaret" and the film "The Blue Angel", and I'm incredibly fascinated by pre-Nazi and Nazi Germany...but I'd not last a day there. Sophie Scholl, anyone?</p>

<p>Colonial times, I wish I could chill with Franklin and Jefferson.</p>