F'd up my fresh and soph years!! Gpa sucks!! Decent sats!!! Help. Will chance back!!!

<p>Ok so i am freaking about colleges and I am really starting to think i won't get into any on the schools I want to go to. Please chance what you know, you do not need to chance all of them.</p>

<p>Nichols College
Endicott College
Salve Regina
Rhode Island University
Roger Williams
Western New England College
UCONN (know the soccer coach, said hed help me get in.)
Bentley ( dad alum, Cousin goes there currently)
Bryant (went on interview, #1 choice)
Seton Hall
Eastern Connecticut
Franklin Pierce
Lasell College
Champlain College</p>


<p>-Ethnicity: White)
-Sex: Male
-State: Connecticut
-Grade: 12
-Major: Business/Finance
-School: Public school.</p>

<p>-GPA: 2.6
-Rank: Top 50%</p>

<p>SAT: 1760/ 1190
-Math: 560
-Critical Reading: 630
-Writing: 570 (8 essay)</p>

<p>AP: None</p>


<p>Work Related:
Soccer Referee For 4 Years
Summer Job at Haas Machine Tools</p>

<p>Community related:
Volunteer Camp counselor for 3 Years: I have stayed one week overnight with kids ages 8-14 at a camp. Some of them are underprivileged kids from the city.</p>

<p>Leadership and Responsibility Conference: 2006,2007,2008</p>

<p>Volunteer Soccer Coach 2008</p>

<p>Key Club 2008, 2009</p>

<p>Italian club 2005,2006,2007,2008</p>

<p>Student Council 2006, 2007, 2008</p>

Most Improved for my Premier team. (soccer) 2008
Unsung Hero Soccer(high school) 2008
All-Conference Honorable Mention</p>

Soccer 4 Years Varsity 2 Years
Premier Soccer 5 Years</p>

<p>I know I don't have the best grades compared to some people here, but my GPA has risen since my Freshman year Steadily every year. I am currently carrying a 3.2 this year.</p>



<p>Like me, except I only messed up in freshman year. As for the chances, I don’t know a lot of them. But I’d say high match for Drexel.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>


<p>URI- yes
roger williams- definitely!
siena- pretty sure
UCONN- will help if you’re an athlete, so possibly
marist- i don’t think so. i got rejected with a 3.5 and 1500 SAT scores yesterday. great extracurriculars too. they’re really picky about who they choose.
seton hall- i would think so
drexel- reach
franklin and pierce- definitely!</p>

<p>the rest of the colleges you listed i’m not sure about. good luck!</p>


<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>Although you have a low GPA you have good SAT scores and ECs. Drexel and Seton Hall are kind of a reach ,however like previously mentioned UConn is a possibility if your planning on doing sports.</p>

<p>Chance me back please</p>