F'd Up my freshman and sophomore years. GPA sucks!!!!! Sats are decent!! CHANCE!!!!!!

<p>Ok so i am freaking about colleges and I am really starting to think i won't get into any on the schools I want to go to. Please chance what you know, you do not need to chance all of them.</p>

<p>Nichols College
Endicott College
Salve Regina
Rhode Island University
Roger Williams
Western New England College
UCONN (know the soccer coach, said hed help me get in.)
Bentley ( dad alum, Cousin goes there currently)
Bryant (went on interview, #1 choice)
Seton Hall
Eastern Connecticut
Franklin Pierce
Lasell College
Champlain College</p>


<p>-Ethnicity: White)
-Sex: Male
-State: Connecticut
-Grade: 11
-Major: Business/Finance with a Minor in Communications
-School: Public school.</p>

<p>-GPA: 2.6
-Rank: Top 50%</p>

<p>SAT: 1760/ 1190
-Math: 560
-Critical Reading: 630
-Writing: 570 (8 essay)</p>

<p>AP: None</p>


<p>Work Related:
Soccer Referee For 4 Years
Summer Job at Haas Machine Tools</p>

<p>Community related:
Volunteer Camp counselor for 3 Years: I have stayed one week overnight with kids ages 8-14 at a camp. Some of them are underprivileged kids from the city.</p>

<p>Leadership and Responsibility Conference: 2006,2007,2008</p>

<p>Volunteer Soccer Coach 2008</p>

<p>Key Club 2008, 2009</p>

<p>Italian club 2005,2006,2007,2008</p>

<p>Student Council 2006, 2007, 2008</p>

Most Improved for my Premier team. (soccer) 2008
Unsung Hero Soccer(high school) 2008
All-Conference Honorable Mention</p>

Soccer 4 Years Varsity 2 Years
Premier Soccer 5 Years</p>

<p>I know I don't have the best grades compared to some people here, but my GPA has risen since my Freshman year Steadily every year. I am currently carrying a 3.2 this year.</p>



<p>I’ll do the ones i know: </p>

<p>Uconn- a little bit of a reach, but maybe your connection will help you. so low reach.
seton hall, drexel, marist and rhode island i think in. </p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>bump. please help.</p>

<p>please help.</p>

<p>into seton hall and drexel, im pretty sure. dont know much about the other colleges.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>probably drexel yes i don’t know enough about the other colleges.</p>

<p>You’re definitely in at Drexel, Seton, and Roger Williams, I’d say. I don’t know about the rest though… sorry!</p>

<p>Chance back!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/611323-change-me-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/611323-change-me-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>to be totally honest i wouldnt say your a shoe in for any of them…i dont know drexel–alot of ppl seem to say yes to u for that so idk…ur sats cant make up for a gpa that low (ur sats arent even that high-im hoping my 2180 will cover up my 3.4)…uconn i would say apart for the soccer thing ur chances are 50-50 at best—their boosting their requirements and its not as easy to get into as it once was…also what classes r u taking–if your not even in honors i would definately pick your game up–were talking no soical life here-u lock urself up friday nights an study ur ass off lol…also definately take APs next year–theyll see big improvement from the first 2 years…even if your not too smart…take like 2-3 and try your hardest, with some work their not too bad…i would say take psychology or statistics if your school has them–their the easiest ive taken by far</p>

<p>Mwhoops I meant to say I am in 12th! sorry!</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply. I am in honors physics and honors Trig, no Ap’s.</p>

<p>You sound like my son. Be sure to seek counsel outside of college confidential as well, and don’t go somewhere where you can’t be who you are or can be.</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice shrinkrap!</p>

<p>ill just list the ones i know.</p>

-uconn-reach but if your soccer coach helps you get in then i would def consider this one</p>

<p>YAY a fellow RIer. Well, I’m assuming anyways from your list. I’m not sure how realistic your list actually is in comparison to your GPA. You’ll definitiely be in at all the RI schools except Bryant. I feel your pain dude, but Bryant’s more then a bit of a reach.</p>

<p>Yeah, bryant is my reach school, but also my hope and pray school haha. Trying to do everything I can to get in there.</p>

<p>Thought I’d bump this up to say I applied to 5 Schols: Nichols, Siena, WNEC, Endicott, and Bryant.</p>

<p>I was Accepted at:</p>

<p>Nichols (10k scholarship)
WNEC (5k scholarship)

<p>Waitlisted at:</p>
