Fears About ASD Nursing Program! :(

<p>Hi Everyone!</p>

<p>I am currently studying child development and psychology. After volunteering on a peds floor this summer, I've decided that I want to stay an extra year of undergrad to complete my pre-reqs for nursing school...even though I'm supposed to be graduating in May, and had plans to continue to get my MSW. (I may still do this later, I've heard it's a great combo to have with a BSN). Don't get me wrong--I love my current major. It's not that I don't want to do counseling or child life anymore, it's just that I've suddenly gained an interest of incorporating those skills into an even larger medical role such as nursing. So after my pre-reqs are done, I plan to apply to an ASD Program. </p>

<p>As much as I really want to do this, I have some fears with making the switch. What if I don't do well with my pre-reqs, or end up hating those classes? Then I could have just graduated and gone to grad school instead of staying an extra year. I haven't taken any college-level lab sciences yet, as my current major does not require it. Or what if I fulfill my pre-reqs but don't get accepted into a nursing program? Also, was anyone else afraid of anything they would have to do before they did it (i.e seeing wounds, IV's, etc)? I feel like making the switch is such a scary gamble! I want to do this but I feel like I am doubting my abilities :( Any advice is VERY appreciated!</p>