All I ask for is a 32

i got a 31.25 the first time. I better get a 32 this time.

Please bless us with good cores, Benevolent deity(/s)


Good luck everyone!!! sadly, I can’t stay up to see my score, but to those of you who are, I hope you get the scores you want to get!

So nervous!

I definitely felt like this was the hardest one compared to others, especially in the science ares


the math curve should be generous imo

I thought this test was by far the easiest. Much easier than June or September 2014

I thought science and reading were fairly easy.

Hello fellow nervous score be-waiters, just chiming in to say I hope you all get the score you want. As for me my last was 29 so any score beginning with 3 will be a win in my book

is it a guarantee that the scores will come out at 12 CST if it says tested

Honestly, it seems as if everyone had a section that was hard, pretty much no consistency. Lets just hope that we all get good scores! I’m dying here

So when scores are posted, do we get an e-mail? Or should i just check online at 12

First time ACT taker here! Truly wishing the best of luck to everyone… and remember, you’re still the same awesome person before and after you open your scores, and these scores don’t necessarily merit success or failure :smiley:

yeah tested should mean they are released

Gonna be totally honest, I got absolutely nothing done today. I just stared at the clock. :-SS [-O<

1 hour guys omg

it’s gonna be the longest hour of my life omg