I believe in you
For a second there I thought there were 30 seconds in a minute and I started flipping out… What the ACT will do to ya, fellas.
wish the current page number was my score
I feel ya@josh441, but I migt just study intensely until April and take that test
Let’s all get 30’s. Please Lord
Please be a lucky day for me!
1 minute hoofhlkehro[8ywevh
So with 2 minutes to go just everyone remember you are in advanced classes, you do all this stuff. This one test wont devastate you,
One minute. its like new years for cc
but, it will.
One minute lol
30 sec glhf
One. More. Minute.
woooooooaaaaahhhh 1 minute
Post once you get your score!
10 seconds kwgklfehj
longest minute of my life…