February SSAT scores

Is anyone else (im)patiently waiting for the results of their February SSATs? I’m thinking Tuesday? Wednesday? Any hope for tomorrow??? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The usually come out 10-11 days after the test in my experience. usually can look at them very early (6 am PST) on Wednesday the week after the test is taken, so probably will be released around the 13th. but it could change

Ok, thank you. I can make it two more days:)

Argh. It says my scores were delivered to the schools today. Does this mean I still have to wait until tomorrow morning to see them???

@MaylaSunshine Yes, it does. I went through the same process with you and I was super anxious about it too! Don’t worry though, just try you’re best to not think about it. Also, remember, your SSAT score isn’t everything, so no matter the result, don’t worry about it too much. Good luck tomorrow!

Thank you! :-*

Scores out in case anyone else is waiting!

I hope we all did as well as we hoped to!! (And by we I mean you guys)

Remember, you are NOT your test scores. >:D<

Happy Valentine’s Day Eve! :x

Same to you! I think I did about as well as I could have hoped. I still didn’t get my verbal back up to where it was the first time I took the test, but my other scores went up enough that I think/hope I’m at least over the bar. Now I can stop worrying about that anyway…Everything’s pretty much out of our hands at this point!

I actually took the January test.

Thanks for the best wishes tho :)>-