Federal student loans

<p>I was denied today for a loan by the loan department in my school. My efc is 0 and have never had this problem before i was offered a a pell grant for 5500 but thats not enough money. I even went to the school and spoke to the director of loans who told me she will see what she can do its like im a joke and their playing with me. The four classes i took are online but still i need money for dependent childcare can the school really deny me federal loans when im in need who can i call to report im really stressed can some one help me please? My reward letter said my budget was like 7000 for the semester and the school only offered me the federal work study and the pell grant ive never defaulted on loans and always been offered them.</p>

<p>O by the way she said apply for a private loan? are they serious?</p>

<p>There are aggregate loan limits. The limit for an independent undergraduate is $57,500. If you have reached the limit, the school CANNOT offer Stafford Loans. If you aren’t sure how much you have borrowed, you can check with the National Student Loan Data System here: [National</a> Student Loan Data System for Students](<a href=“http://www.nslds.ed.gov/nslds_SA/]National”>http://www.nslds.ed.gov/nslds_SA/)</p>



<p>I believe the school cannot offer you more financial aid than the cost of attendance at the school. IF the Pell and work study add up to $7000, perhaps this is the issue. Offering you anything else would EXCEED the cost of attendance.</p>

<p>As other posters have said:</p>

<li><p>Are you over your aggregate limit? There is a cumulative limit and you cannot go over it.</p></li>
<li><p>Aid cannot exceed the schools COA.</p></li>
<li><p>Are you full time? Federal loans require you to be enrolled at least half time for any loans in the period. Also if you are less than full time your COA will be reduced, which will reduce your aid.</p></li>

<p>No i have no loans out now they are just screwing with me the director told me if you do good this semester ill consider it for the next i did not accept the work study because of time conflict i was always offered loans in the past form other schools</p>

<p>yes im full time im taking four classes 12 hours the director is like o ive made of my mind ive made up my mind she doesnt even care about my situation i can not afford a baby sitter shes acts like its her money and im borrowing it in her name</p>

<p>Well I doubt they are screwing with you. Did you ask *exactly *why they will not give you a loan? FA officers have to follow federal rules about federal aid. You need to find out exactly why they consider you to be ineligible, or nothing will change next semester.</p>

<p>I threw away my COA but i remember it was like 6000 to 7000 and my pell is 2750 this is discrimination or something</p>

<p>swim mom the letter i got said </p>

<p>After reviewing your request for a stafford student loan, the committee did not approve your loan.</p>

<p>The committee feels that since you were awarded adequate aid to cover your tuition,fees, books, and supplies at Triton college this semester, as well as a refund which will be issued to you later in the semester, your appeal does not warant a student loan at this time.</p>

<p>I even appealed this and was denied</p>

<p>Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe colleges cannot certify loans in excess of the COA. It looks like the COA is around $4000 per semester at Triton. It is possible that your work/study and your Pell equalled the cost of attendance…how much work/study were you awarded?</p>



<p>This clears it up. Your aid already is at the cost of attendance. The school can NOT award you any aid that exceeds the cost of attendance at your school. Your aid already covers tuition, fees, books and supplies as well as a REFUND to you. </p>

<p>That being the case, the school can NOT award you more money. The only thing you could inquire about is seeing if they would make an adjustment to your cost of attendance, but I’m not sure this will be done as child care costs typically are not included in the cost of attendance at ANY college.</p>

<p>Greatbear, what about this is hard to understand? The letter was self-explanatory. The school cannot give you a loan. </p>

<p>You are not being “discriminated against”. Wow</p>

<p>if my COA is 7000 why cant i apply for a federal loan federal loans are to be used for dependant child care its on the student loans .gov page i just need more assistance thats all never thought it would be so hard</p>

<p>The school has already awarded you aid that fills your cost of attendance. Federal guidelines DO NOT ALLOW them to give you any more money than that. Your financial aid can NOT exceed the cost of attendance. According to this financial aid letter, they have already given you aid which covers the cost of attendance.</p>

<p>If the cost if $7000 and your aid award was that amount, then the school can not give you more money. If you chose not to accept an awarded amount, that was YOUR decision. This school has met your full need…every penny of it…with the aid package they offered you…and without loans.</p>

<p>I’m sorry but I agree, what is it that you don’t understand about this. </p>

<p>Like I said, you can ask for a professional judgement to increase your cost of attendance but it doesn’t sound like your school will consider this. You yourself have said that you need the money for child care costs. College financial aid is for college costs…tuition, fees, etc. It is not for child care unless you can convince your school to add this to YOUR cost of attendance…which is highly unlikely.</p>

<p>Child care is not an “educational expense.”</p>

<p>I also went to school with young children and understand how difficult it is, but it is not considered part of the cost of attendance.</p>

<p>no i do understand but i was not given the COA only a pell grant</p>

<p>You said you were awarded the Pell PLUS work study but you didn’t TAKE the work study award. That was YOUR choice. The school AWARDED you sufficient aid. You chose not to take part of it. The Pell plus even $2000 of work study would exceed $7000.</p>



<p>They are giving you a refund because you already are getting benefits over your billed expenses.</p>

<p>greatbear, your COA wasn’t $7K for the semester…it probably wasn’t even that high for the year since you’re taking all of your classes online. According to their website, in-district tuition is less than $100 per credit hour. If they are only considering tuition, fees, and books then it looks like the Pell would have covered that, as they told you in the letter. Anyway, the school is required by law to provide you with your COA and you can request that they do so or look it up on their website.</p>

<p>But a few things seem slightly off here to me as well…first, if they offered you work study and you declined that, then you should have at least that amount in your COA budget available for a Stafford loan, assuming you meet the eligibility standards. Did you actually decline your work study award? If not, that is usually what you must do…in writing. Then request Stafford loans, again there may be a specific form that’s required…at least that’s the procedure at the schools that I’m familiar with, though schools set their own policies on these things.</p>

<p>Her statements about having made up her mind, seeing how you do this semester, and advice to seek a private loan make little sense to me…if your federal aid were dependent upon your grades (ie. if you were below SAP standards for the school) then your Pell would also be affected. Also, if you were at/above your COA budget, the school wouldn’t be certifying a private loan either. I don’t know some financial aid departments seem to make things so confusing when a simple, clear explanation is often all that’s needed.</p>