Do feeder school students have an advantage over public school students with grades and scores being equal? Do you have to score higher from a public school to be noticed? Are you at a disadvantage if you school rarely if ever sends a student to a top school. I did not find a similar question on the boards. Curious. Thank you.
Depends. Son went to a school that fit both categories, it is a public school that was ranked by the WSJ as one of the top feeder schools in the country. Sends 45 - 65 kids out of a graduating class of about 180 to IVY+M+S every year. Those kids had SAT’s of 2300+ were National Merit Semi Finalist or higher, did research, won awards, etc. The next third or so of the class, with SAT’s around 2200, National Merit Commended, etc. would have had a much better shot at the IVY+M+S schools if they were not coming out of the feeder, but rather came from a more average public HS where they would have been at the top of their class, rather than in the middle.
colleges are sometimes looking to bring in more people from a new school or area, this might give you an advantage