So, I had a rough sophomore year. I have a chronic illness that started getting worse until I could barely get out of bed, let alone go to school without fainting. I fell into a depression and ended up failing most of my classes. Thankfully they removed those from my transcript and I am doing better now.
-4.0 UC GPA (3.7 UW)
-1420 on the new SAT, 32 on the ACT (I took both once just to get a feel for them but I’m not sure which I should prepare for, please help me decide)
-Took Math 2 SAT subject test, awaiting results
-ECs: Piano (since age 5), clarinet, fencing (only recently), iOS app development
-I’m a half asian female
Because I’m missing a whole year’s worth of credit, by the time I graduate I will have only taken the bare minimum amount of classes to be eligible for a UC/CSU. I’ve never taken any AP/honors classes (with the exception of a calculus class at my local community college) but I might next year.
I’m thinking of applying to UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, Berkeley (can’t hurt to try), Cal Poly SLO, and CSU Monterey Bay. What are my chances?
Thanks in advance!
Given that you are half-Asian, I think it’s best that you apply as white - it’s just as true as saying Asian. This is especially true for Californian schools; I hate that race plays such a big role, but it does.
Okay I have a question : would you be writing a letter to the dean to explain such unfortunate events? When I was looking into Cornell, I talked to them about sophomore year, when I got several Cs after I was forced to relocate to my father’s house (which had no doors, windows, there were wild birds in my room, a general trash heap without electricity), and their immediate response was “In situations like that, write a letter to the Dean to get them to reconsider that on your application”.
@marijke I would apply as white but my last name is Asian, do you think I should still say I’m white or would they think I’m lying? And I hadn’t even thought of writing them a letter. I’m probably gonna do that, thanks for the idea!
I think UC colleges don’t use affirmative action anymore so your race is irrelevant. You could probably get into most of the CSUs anyway.
California public schools (UC’s/CSU’s) banned affirmative action so race will not be considered. You should definitely address your situation in one of the UC essays but for the CSU’s that is not an option. You look like a strong candidate based on your GPA/test scores, but having the bare minimum of the a-g course requirements will have an impact. You should be able to get into UCSC and CSUMB, UCSB/UCSB could go either way and UCB is a Reach. SLO uses an MCA point calculation which gives extra points for courses taken beyond the a-g course minimum, so this could hurt you the most and they also consider Freshman grades in your GPA.
Much will depend on upon intended major and how your essay and EC’s are received by these schools.
Good Luck.
Your ECs seem a bit scarce, but again it’s probably due to your situation. Like others said, maybe write them a letter about it or ask your counselor to include it in their letter.
@Gumbymom Thank you! This was really helpful and informative.